Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Thursday, August 25, 2011
EULA Has A New Video, "Maurice Narcisse" + Free MP3 Download
Our pals EULA have a new video for their song "Maurice Narcisse". After you watch if go ahead and download the MP3. If you want to check them out live, which you should, you're in luck - they're playing tonight on Canal St.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Larry David Talks To "Mo" Gaddafi (Video)
Larry David and "Mo" Gaddafi go way back man. When he's not busy dictating Libya he's hitting the resorts with Larry.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Matt & Kim, Souja Boy & Andrew WK Made A Song, "I'm A Goner" - It's Bad.
Some drunkard at Converse thought it would be a good idea to pay Matt & Kim, Soulja Boy and Andrew WK to write a song together. Needless to say the results are boring and pretty terrible. I don't understand how anyone could think this would work out well. There's a proper video for this tune on the Converse website but I can't embed it so head over there if you give a shit.
Today: Tiki Disco @ Roberta's; Dixons BBQ
Two great options for today. There's another edition of Tiki Disco at Roberta's. This is basically a full on dance party in the backyard of Roberta's and it's really fun. Get there early (leave now) or wait in line forever. Also, Clem's bar is having an 8-year anniversary BBQ today. It's not actually at Clem's, which is weird, so head to 878 Metropolitan. It's free to get in and The Dixons are playing!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Brian Newman In Lady Gaga MTV Promo
I don't really post much about Lady Gaga because we have a lot of mutual friends and I don't want people giving me shit. But I'm making an exception here because Brian Newman is a cool dude and it's not every day you see somebody from the neighborhood on MTV.
Lavalette Hilariously Covers Cro-Mags "Malfunction" (Video)
New York Heart Core!!! Haha, this shit is straight up hilarious. Some band called Lavalette has released a full on pop version of "Malfunction" by Cro-Mags. Some people are getting their panties in a knot over it but who cares? I actually hope they cover some more NYHC. How about some Warzone or Agnostic Front? Oh, Gorilla Biscuits would be great! Hell, Civ even dabbled in MTV pop back in the 90's so it kinda makes sense, no? Anyway, if this video does anything but make you laugh then you need to mellow out.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Deftone's Have A New Video, "Beauty School"
Deftones never cease to amaze me. They emerged from a scene that many consider the low point of the last 20 years to be one of the great bands of our generation. Somehow they continue to maintain relevancy when all of their contemporaries have become the punchlines of tired old jokes. But their evolution isn't what this post is about - they have another new video to share and it's chock full of live footage.
Cerebral Ballzy Has Another New Video, "On The Run"
Adult Swim released another Cerebral Ballzy video. This one is for the track "On The Run" which is an awesome song. The video features footage of the Ballzy boys playing live besides an empty pool full of 80's style skaters.
GWAR's Crack-A-Thon 2011 Goes Down On September 2nd & 3rd
GWAR is bringing the Crack-A-Thon back to Brooklyn this year! The "spoken turd" event goes down on September 2nd & 3rd at the MF Gallery. There will be two shows each day and tickets are $15-$20. The space is really fucking small so just be aware of that ahead of time. Read the press release after the jump for more details.
Ninjasonik Has A New Video, "MoshPit"
Pretty rad new video from Brooklyn's own Ninjasonik. Tons of pals are in this video, including Hussle Club, paying homage to The Warriors. I don't get how the fuck Sway ended up in the video, kinda weird, but whatever. Check it out.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Kings County Cookout Is Tomorrow! (No Cover, Cheap Booze)
The 4th installment of our Sunday afternoon cookout is tomorrow! We've got Morgan O'Kane and Daddy Long Legs stopping by to play some tunes for ya. Lex is on the grill cooking up open face brisket sandwiches on homemade bread, BBQ chicken, potato salad and more. As always, plates are only $5 and drink specials get as cheap as $2.50 for a beer and $4 for wells. This will be good, good fun. It's rain or shine so if it rains don't let that stop you.
DADDY LONG LEGS: Electric from Ryan & Rob on Vimeo.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Cerebral Ballzy "Junky For Her" (Video) + Played Rock Yard Yesterday
Cerebral Ballzy have a new(ish) video for "Junky For Her" which you've probably seen on Adult Swim. Yesterday the boys were back in Brooklyn at the Jelly NYC Rock Yard. The sound was shitty but everyone managed to have fun, how can you not have fun at a Ballzy show?
Rock Yard in Brooklyn
Alexisonfire Is Done For, I Am Bummed
The band gets lumped in with screamo and pop-punk bands but I've always considered them a genre within themselves. They have a passion that is rare and an enthusiasm that is even rarer. The last album was a bit of a let down and I think that had a lot to do with Dallas being spread too thin. To be honest this was inevitable. Any fan of Alexis knew that Dallas was a talent that couldn't be contained. He obviously would go on to bigger and better things at some point, which is apparently now.
I will miss this band very, very much. THE ONLY BAND EVER!
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Today: Rock Yard w/ Cerebral Ballzy, Death Set, So So Glos & More
Jelly NYC brings the party back to North Brooklyn with a free show this afternoon at The Morgan. The Death Set, So So Glos, Cerebral Ballzy, Japanther, The Growlers and CSC Funk Band are playing. That, my friends, is awesome!

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