US Tour Dates
Sat 9/26 - MPMF Festival - Cincinnati, OH $
Sat 10/3 - Middle East Upstairs - Boston, MA *
Mon 10/5 - Club Cafe - Pittsburgh, PA #
Tue 10/6 - The Bishop - Bloomington, IN #
Wed 10/7 - Lager House - Detroit, MI #
Thu 10/8 - Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL #
Fri 10/9 - TBA - Lincoln, NE #
Sat 10/10 - Hi Dive - Denver, CO #
Mon 10/12 - Kilby Court - Salt Lake City, UT #
Tue 10/13 - Reef - Boise, ID #
Wed 10/14 - High Dive - Seattle, WA #
Thu 10/15 - Rotture - Portland, OR #
Fri 10/16 - Sam Bond's Garage - Eugene, OR #
Sat 10/17 - Luigis - Sacramento, CA #
Mon 10/19 - Soda Bar - San Diego, CA #
Tue 10/20 - TBA - Los Angeles, CA #
Wed 10/21 - TBA - Tucson, AZ #
Fri 10/23 - Emo's Jr. - Austin, TX #
Sun 10/25 - Cicero's - St. Louis, MO #
Tue 10/27 - The Cambridge Room @ HOB - Cleveland, OH #
Wed 10/28 - DC Nine - Washington, DC #
Thu 10/29 - Kung Fu Necktie - Philadelphia, PA #
Sat 10/31 - Santo's Party House - Halloween Party - New York, NY
$ = w/ Chairlift, Micachu and the Shapes, Heartless Bastards
* = w/ The Soft Pack
# = w/ Bad Veins
Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Subjects Tour Dates
Gunfight, Live At Crash Mansion (Video)
"Woof/Howl" live @ Crash
Thursday, August 27, 2009
After The Jump Fest Starts Tomorrow! Full Lineup & Set Times Announced. (Ninjasonik, Gunfight, Bottle Up & Go Added)

Fri (8/28):
8pm Dinosaur Feathers
9pm Holiday Shores
10pm Thing One
11pm My Teenage Stride
12am Javelin
Sat (8/29):
3pm Shark?
4pm Captain Ahab & The Sea Crackens
6pm Bottle Up And Go
7pm Talk Normal
8pm Wild Yaks
9pm Drink Up Buttercup
10pm Free Energy
11pm Ninjasonik
12am Das Racist
Sun (8/30):
3pm The Octagon
4pm I’m Turning Into
5pm Get Haunted
6pm Gunfight
7pm Hospitality
8pm Acrylics
9pm Julianna Barwick
10pm Blood Warrior
11pm Suckers
Purchase tix here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tonight: Vivian Girls & The Beets @ DBA
Time: ??
Cover: ??
Monday, August 24, 2009
Karen O & The Kids "All Is Love"

**Update: The overwhelming consensus is that this song sucks. Here's the deal people, it was written for a kids movie. It's not a Yeah Yeah Yeahs song and shouldn't be rated as such. It's a soundtrack. You do understand that the goal when writing a song for a movie, television, art installment, or anything of that nature is different then when writing a song for an album, right? It's meant to compliment visuals and in this case for children. It's not the same as writing a pop song for a bunch of whiny hipsters. Please tell me you already know this. I'm not defending Karen O, hell I'm not a very big YYYs fan, but the lack of common sense is disturbing.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Video From The Todd P / Bikes In The Kitchen Show
Pics Of Wild Yaks & Cerebral Ballzy From 600 Bushwick
Friday, August 21, 2009
So So Glos Not Playing Broadway Backyard Tomorrow

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Time Top 10 Greatest Guitar Players (Bullshit List)
Top 10 Time
02. Slash (#2, fuck off. Maybe 10, maybe.)
03. B.B. King (HAHAHA. Seriously? In the world of blues alone BB King isn't even top 10.)
04. Keith Richards (We love Keith, but #4. No way.)
05. Eric Clapton (Not a fan at all but Clapton could shred, should be higher)
06. Jimmy Page (Love the dudes style but not sure he belongs on this list.)
07. Chuck Berry (HIGHER! #7! Go fuck yourself Time. Dude perfected Rock N' Roll guitar.)
08. Les Paul (Look Les Paul could play and is super important to guitar but not sure he's top 10.)
09. Yngwie Malmsteen (Technically the best guitar player ever BUT fuck him. No soul, off the list.)
10. Prince (Again, HAHAHA. I know everyone loves Prince but I just don't get the guitar praise he gets.)
Now for the real questions. Eddie Van Halen?!?! Stevie Ray Vaughn? Duane Allman? Jeff Beck? Randy Rhodes? Dimebag? The Nuge? Brian May? I mean there are just so many dudes that are better then the cats on this list. I mean, fuck dude - SLASH at #2!!! That just blows my fucking mind.
via Blabbermouth
Goodbye Summer Show w/ So So Glos, Team Robes, DeathSet, Ninjasonik, Wild Yaks, & More!
**Update: According to MyOpenBar there's going to be some kind of free booze too.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Michael Jackson 51st Birthday Party, Thanks Spike Lee
They're getting the borough prez on stage to declare it MJ Day. Which makes sense because, you know, Michael Jackson was from Brooklyn and lived here most of his adult life. In fact most people don't know this but Neverland Ranch is in Prospect Heights.
Anyway, after the holiday is declared DJ Spinna will be rockin' anything and everything Jacko. Then there's going to be a giant "Happy Birthday" sing-a-long to close it out. I've never been to Fort Greene Park before, maybe this is a good excuse to check it out.

Tonight: So So Glos DJ @ Arrow, NinjaSonik & DeathSet DJ @ Beauty Bar

The Bravery Playing A Free Amstel Light Show
Oh and by the way, Amstel Light parties are usually top fucking notch. Seriously, amongst the best I've been too.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tonight: Wild Yaks, Das Racist @ Coco66 (Free Show)
Das Racist Played A Surprise Set At Glasslands Last Night
The show started pretty well, Radio America took the stage at 9:30PM and the room already had a decent amount of people. They played a fun set. How can you not with a room full of familiar faces guzzling down free Colt 45? After they finished, Raccoon Fighter came on and did their thing. They got some people dancing up front, which is always a good thing.
The Sundelles closed the band portion of the night with a killer set. I really dig them (I'm listening to their EP as I type this) and they always put on a good show. Unfortunately, the room cleared out a bit right before they went on. Boogie Boarder and Darlings were playing at DBA right around the corner and I think some people jumped ship to check them out.
The first DJs went on as soon as The Sundelles finished up. We got Das Racist, the "Combination Pizza Hut & Taco Bell" dudes, to spin which is pretty exciting considering they're all over the place right now. They were supposed to DJ for an hour but about halfway through their DJ set they stopped...and got on stage for a surprise performance! By now it was free to get in and the word spread to the party next door and DBA that Das Racist were performing. The room started filling up with people. Kids were sucking down the free sangria and then stumbling on the dance floor. It was fucking great, we had so much fun.
After the Das Racist set I hung out for a little longer and then I split because I was pretty wasted and needed a sandwich. The place was still jumping when I bailed though so I'm guessing all went well after that.
I forgot to bring my damn camera so I don't have any pictures. If you took any let me know and I'll post them here.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tonight: Party @ Glasslands! Das Racist (DJ Set), Sundelles, Raccoon Fighter, Radio America (2 Hour Open Bar)

Wild Yaks Acoustic At Time Out NY Offices
Thursday, August 13, 2009
RIP: Les Paul
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Das Racist DJ Set On Friday @ Glasslands
New Sigmund Droid Album, Maximum Grind

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
2009 Gathering Of The Juggalos: The Photo Essay
***Update: If you're here for the Tila Tequila shit here's a more recent post about it.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tonight: Sigmund Droid @ Mercury Lounge
2009 After The Jump Fest Lineup (Now With Shark?)
Shark? and Captain Ahab and the Sea Crackens have been added to the Saturday lineup.Now in its third year, ATJ Fest is back uniting renowned indie favorites with undiscovered talent… 16+ Bands, Three Days, One Venue.
After The Jump Fest ‘09 @ Littlefield from Friday, August 28th through Saturday, August 30th.Get the details “after the jump”
Friday, Aug 28th (7PM)
Dinosaur Feathers
My Teenage Stride
Holiday Shores
DJ: Mr. F (of Tally Hall)Saturday, Aug 29th (2PM)
The Drums
Wild Yaks
Drink Up Buttercup
Talk Normal
Free Energy
Das RacistSunday, Aug 30th (2PM)
Blood Warrior
I’m Turning Into
Julianna BarwickEven more acts to be announced soon!
Buy tix now: single day passes = $10, 3 day passes = $25. ALL AGES.
3-Day Pass [Purchase] | Friday [Purchase] | Saturday [Purchase] | Sunday [Purchase]
What else can you expect from ATJ Fest ‘09?
- J. Morrison from Space Is The Place doing live screen printing
- Gourmet BBQ in the courtyard
- Jamie Cakes baked goods
- Brooklyn Brewery specials all day long
- Snoozer Looser’s giant pink elephantSpecial thanks to our supporters:
Brooklyn Brewery
CMJ ‘09
themusicslut. batteringroom. ryspace. irockiroll. merryswankster. softcommunication. musicisart. bumpershine. themodernage. productshopnyc. subinev. punkphoto. poptartssucktoasted. jinners. nyctaper.
watercoolergossip. brooklynskiclub. radioexile. starkonline. wesleyverhoeve.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Today: Pool Party; After Party @ Brooklyn Bowl; New York Night Train Dance Party; The Beets BBQ

Saturday, August 08, 2009
Tonight: New York Night Train Soul Clap Dance Off And After Hours

Friday, August 07, 2009
Tonight: BSC Show w/ Young Lords, Hank & Cupcakes, Gunfight, and Cinema Cinema (No Cover, Open Bar)
I've been a fan of Young Lords for awhile and have always wanted to have them play a BSC show. I was pretty happy when they agreed to play. Hank & Cupcakes played the BSC show at Market Hotel a few months ago and they were pretty awesome. I've been hearing about Gunfight live shows for the past few months from friends and I really dig the music they have online, I'm really excited to see them tonight. I've been going back and forth with Cinema Cinema for awhile now about having them play a BSC show but it never quite worked out until now. So yeah, that's the lineup: Young Lords, Hank & Cupcakes, Gunfight, and Cinema Cinema (not in that order), this is going to be fun! Also, our pal iLan is DJing so expect lots of rock n' roll you can dance to between bands.
From the NY Underbelly newsletter:
Here's that lineup again:
10:00 - Hank & Cupcakes
10:45 - Cinema Cinema
11:30 - Gunfight
12:15 - Young Lords
RSVP now. Come dance the night away! You'll be out very late...
Tonight's info:Free admission before 11 on the Underbelly list (Click to RSVP at - $5 without; After 11, it's $10 bucks. Come early for the open bar (10-11 pm free rum from Pyrat) and stay late for the buckets of beer! Check out our NEW Bourbon and Bud special for $8 measly bucks too.... Crash Mansion is located at 199 Bowery - that's Bowery and Spring... click on the left for more deets.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
MP3: Raccoon Fighter "Rollin' Wheel"

In my previous post I suggested you go see Raccoon Fighter tonight at Pete's Candy Store. What I didn't do is tell you anything about the band. They're from the same hometown as me, outside Philly. They moved up here less then a year ago and just started booking shows.
Their original sound was a more mellow style, think Ivy League with male and female vocals. Since moving to BK though they've increased the fun factor and have gotten more Rock N' Roll (no more lady vox either). Like I said they just started booking shows and already have gigs at Piano's and Glasslands, the latter being with The Drums and The Sundelles.
Mark my words, you heard it here first, etc: You will be a fan of this band in the very near future, so might as well start now with this track.
So here's my favorite new track, it's just a demo, from the band.
Tonight: Raccoon Fighter @ Pete's; Darlings @ Cameo

Radiohead Release Tribute To Harry Patch, Recently Deceased WWI Survivor
Harry died a few weeks ago, the last of the Tommys. Radiohead was already writing a song about him when his death was announced. Yesterday they released the track and are donating the proceeds to the British Legion.
The Nightman Cometh! (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Live)
NBA All-Stars, The Bands

First of all thanks to Sean at Buzzgrinder for leading me down this path of discovery. I mentioned on Twitter that I've really been digging the Brooklyn band Michael Jordan. So he replied to with a link to a band called Magic Johnson. Which got me thinking - how many bands are there named after NBA stars? So here is the NBA All Star team.

Small Forward: #33 Larry Bird

Power Forward: #34 Charles Barkley (Gnarls Barkley)

Center: #33 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Cream Abdul Babar)

Guard: Julius Erving (Dr. J)
Guard: Mookie Blaylock (Pearl Jam, oringally named Mookie Blaylock)
Power Forward: Lucious Jackson (Luscious Jackson)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Video: Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster "Step Up (I'm On It)"
To keep busy Dallas started a southern rock/metal type band called Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster. I was pretty excited to hear that he had a new band when they started up...and then I listened to them. It wasn't terrible but, um, well it wasn't very good either. So I dismissed them and never bothered listening again.
Today I was on MetalSucks and they were raving about the new video so I gave it a chance. Well shiver-me-timbers! The Maylene boys got good, real fucking good. This is like straight up ass kicking southern metal, not the watered down shit I heard the first time I listened to them. So give it a spin, you might recognize the video.
Change Of Address
Stream: Richard Hell & The Voidoids - Destiny Street Repaired

Destiny Street Repaired is streaming online for the next few days. Richard Hell is without question one of the most important dudes ever in punk rock. I'm listening to it right now and it's pretty cool. The mix is and production on a few tracks is a bit too modern and the vocals are way to up in the mix but it's def worth listening to.
Video: Modest Mouse - King Rat (Directed By Heath Ledger)
A Letter From MCA
hey all,
hope you are doing well.
so i'm about a week and a half out of surgery now and rapidly recovering from it. i haven't taken any of the pain meds, which supposedly speeds along the healing process, or should i say, taking them slows it down. anyway, i spent 1 night at the hospital after the surgery. the hospital was too crazy to get any rest so i headed home to relax, have home cooked food and hang out with the family.
i'm pretty well detoxed from the anesthesia that they pumped me up with to keep me under for all that time. that took several days to get out of my system. my neck and jaw are still pretty stiff from the surgery, but it gets better everyday. had the stitches out this past monday... so things are moving along.
but no sooner am i on the mend from this first torture than are they lining up the next one. the next line of treatment will be radiation. that involves blasting you with some kind of beam for a few minutes a day, 5 days a week, for about 7 weeks. that will start in a few weeks...
saw the jay-z cover of no sleep, and the coldplay one of fight for your right from APW on youtube. good shit. and i heard karen o wore a "get well MCA" armband, and that q-tip gave a shout out too..... very kind of them.
just wanted to thank them and everyone else who sent positive thoughts my way. i do think that all of the well wishes have contributed to the fact that my treatment and recovery are going well.
much love back at all of you!adam
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Pre-Sale: Mastodon, Dethklok, Converge, High On Fire
Monday, August 03, 2009
Tonight: Wellspring & Honor

Some friends are in town to play their first Brooklyn show tonight at Trash Bar. Now I know you haven't heard of these kids before (BTW they're called Wellspring & Honor) but just go check them out, you'll dig them I promise. They go on at 10PM but get there at 8PM and take advantage of the open bar. If you see me there give me a high five and a shot of whiskey.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Today's Pool Party Moved To Brooklyn Bowl!
Brooklyn Ski Club Shows (The Drums, Young Lords, Sundelles, Gunfight, & More)
The other show is the following Friday. My homeboys in Raccoon Fighter put the whole thing together and my other homeboys, Radio America, are playing too. I offered some advice along the way but didn't curate it. That said I am sponsoring it so while it's not a BSC show per se it kinda is. The lineup is again quite awesome - The Drums, Raccoon Fighter, The Sundelles, and Radio America. There is a catch though, it's the early show. So go straight from work, suck down some free Colt 45 from 7-8PM. Stick around for the bands and then go do your thing after, should be over by 10:30PM. It's the perfect way to start your night.
@ Crash Mansion
w/ Young Lords, Hank & Cupcakes, Gunfight, & Cinema Cinema
Free w/RSVP
Free vodka 10-11PM
@ Glasslands
The Drums, Raccoon Fighter, The Sundelles, Radio America
Free Colt 45 7-8PM

Saturday, August 01, 2009
Tonight: So So Glos, Lovvers, Sundelles @ DBA