So the word on the street is that The Dodos are playing a secret show at Death By Audio on September 30th. They also have a show at Spiegeltent on the 29th, which is why the DBA show is hush hush.
Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Franz Ferdinand Playing Music Hall On October 8th. Happy Birthday To Me!

I wanted to do something cool on my birthday, October 8th. I talked to some promoters and looked into some restaurants and really something was missing. Then I tune into BrooklynVegan this afternoon and I see that Franz Ferdinand is playing Music Hall on my birthday. YES! That's what was missing, an awesome concert. Somehow there are still tickets for this show so get them while you can. They're $30 after all the surcharges and bullshit but fuck it, whatever. I've wanted to see this band since I first heard then when I was wee intern at Sony Music. Now I get to see them on my birthday...awesome!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Flipper Drop Out, Municipal Waste Added To Fun Fun Fun Fest
If you hadn't heard alrea dy, SF punk legen ds Flipp er have cance lled
their30th anniv ersar y tour this fall, after bass playe r (and found ing
member of Nirva na) Krist Noves elic left the band.
I'm not sure why they
can't get someo ne ( anyon e) to play "sex bomb, " as I would n't call
Flipper super techn ical, but alas.
Subsequent ly, they' ve cance lled Fun
Fun Fun Fest as well.
As unfortunat e as this is to mysel f and other
Flipper fans, we' ve alrea dy fille d the slot. . . Munic ipal Waste .
For thosethat don' t know the speed metal , thras hcore of Virgi nia' s Munic ipal Waste , you' re missi ng the world 's best party punk to date.
The new millenia' s answe r to DRI and Suici dal Tende ncies , compl ete with
flip bill caps and stagedives galor . This band bring s as much fast techn ical hardc ore as they do fun.
Get readyto get stomp ed on, as Munic ipal Waste makes their way down to
Texasjust to play Fun Fun Fun Fest! !
Municipal Waste
http:/ / www. myspa ce. com/ munic ipalw aste
http:/ / www. facet hewas te. com/
BTW, I'll be sending all the addit ional add ons to fun fun fun fest this
next week,after ACL weeke nd.
So keep you eyes peeled for many more to
We'll have anoth er list of a dozen or so amazi ng touri ng and
localdjs, bands , comed ians and more. ..
Thanks, Graha m
Other bands playing the fest...
Bad Brains
Dead Milkmen
Municipal Waste
Bouncing Souls
Kevin Seconds (of 7 Seconds)
Swingin Utters
Rival Schools
Cro-mags (jam)
Scared of Chaka (Dave from The Shins)
Young Widows
Leftover Crack
High Tension Wires
And tons more!!!!
Bad Brain
Dead Milkm
High Tensi
And tons more!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tonight: Andrew W.K. Piano Performance
Most people know Andrew W.K. as the party guy with the blood stained shirt. While you expect fist pumping electro-metal stuff you wouldn't expect a night of piano improvisations. See, Andrew is a classically trained pianist. I've been curious what kind of skills this dudes has on the ivory for years.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tonight: Brooklyn Loft Party, Burning Angels, & Kickball
No need to leave Brooklyn tonight. First off there's a house party on Johnson in Bushwick with some bands I never heard of but who cares - it's a party! Then there's a birthday party for one of the Burning Angel girls at Public Assembly - expect lots of tits and tats. The final option is the big kickball league "Ball" (get it?) at The Warsaw. Of course if you didn't play in the league (or more specifically weren't asked to join a team...ASSHOLES) then I'm not sure why you would go. Personally I'm going to the house party, nothing against the Burning Angel girls but I can do without the random creepy dudes that show up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sparks Red Too Dangerous For Hipsters

It's a sad time for free spirited hipsters the world over (but especially Brooklyn) - the new stronger Sparks Red was banned! It was deemed too dangerous by the attorney general. The new Sparks was a direct assault against it's biggest competition, cocaine. Not the energy drink but the actual drug from South America. Hipsters looking to kick their blow habit will need to look elsewhere for the time being. Same goes for your dreams of red "Sparks tongue". Wait, does the government know that you can just buy an energy drink and dump Everclear in it? No? OK. In related news Tuesdays continue to be the new Thursday but Wednesday is creeping up.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tonight: Open Bar At Mojito Loco + Voter Registration Party At Crest
A couple blocks away is cool little joint called Mojito Loco. The food is kind of a mix of various Latin cuisines. It's overpriced for the neighborhood but still worth stopping in for lunch every once in awhile. Despite being a restaurant they also have a decent little bar and have daily drink specials. Tonight, in an attempt to get more drinkers, they're having an open beer bar from 11-12. Hopefully it works because I would love to have another place to drink around here besides Duck Duck. While you're in my hood stop by Nijasol coffee shop on Montrose - best coffee I've had in a very long time.
Also, there's a voter registration party at Crest Hardware on Metropolitan. Loads of free booze and food at that one but it already started so get there quick.
Also, there's a voter registration party at Crest Hardware on Metropolitan. Loads of free booze and food at that one but it already started so get there quick.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tonight: Eastern Sweats, HTR, Deserter @ Castle In Hell
When I was 15 I used to go to shows at VFW halls and in random basements. Most of the bands sucked but damn were those shows fun. Then when I moved to West Virginia and was hanging with the local gutter punks I ended up going to alot of those types of shows again. The difference was they were some of the best bands I'd ever seen. Well Castle In Hell is like the Williamsburg version of an old fashioned DIY show. It's a party first and a show second. For a measely $5 you get to hear three good bands while you huddle around a keg. I've been to shows here before and they're fucking fun.
Eastern Sweats, HTR, Deserter
@ Castle In Hell
842 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn
9PM, $5
Chemical Recipe - Eastern Sweats

@ Castle In Hell
842 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn
9PM, $5
Chemical Recipe - Eastern Sweats

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Download: Death Magnetic (Shorter, Better, Cut)
If you've heard Death Magnetic, the new Metallica album, then you know that just about every song has parts that sounds like old Metallica and parts that sound like new Metallica. The old school sounding shit is fucking awesome and the new sounding shit sucks.
So some dude went through each and every song and cut out all of the bullshit and left the thrash intact. Guess what Rick Rubin? This dude should have your job because his version of the album blows yours away man. I mean this album went from a 6 to 9 just by chopping out the obvious garbage. If you only heard this version you would be convinced that Metallica was 100% back to playing balls out metal again. I even suggest to you that you NEVER listen to the official version and just listen to this one. Seriously.
So some dude went through each and every song and cut out all of the bullshit and left the thrash intact. Guess what Rick Rubin? This dude should have your job because his version of the album blows yours away man. I mean this album went from a 6 to 9 just by chopping out the obvious garbage. If you only heard this version you would be convinced that Metallica was 100% back to playing balls out metal again. I even suggest to you that you NEVER listen to the official version and just listen to this one. Seriously.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tonight: Girls & Boys w/ Danny Masterson
Girls & Boys is pretty much the hottest weekly party right now. I mean I haven't actually been there but that's what all my cool hipster friends tell me. And I trust them because they don't have jobs and go out every night while I sit at home and watch Matlock. Tonight the angry dude from That 70's Show is DJing. I met him once and I couldn't figure out if he was cool or a douche - it's so hard to tell the difference these days. Anyway I think it's about time I check this party out, maybe I'll see you there.

Friday, September 05, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Metallica Death Magnetic Leak...Pretty Damn Good!
OK, so anyone who reads BSC knows that I'm hard on Metallica. The reason for this is because they let me down so many times and I used to love them. The first few tracks that were released from the new album Death Magnetic sounded like more of the same crap from St. Anger. Then some store in France accidentally sold the album and now it's up on the internet.
I haven't downloaded it but I have listened to some tracks on YouTube and I have to say - it's awesome! Well, it's nothing ground breaking but it's fucking heavy. Well at least some of the tracks are but that's good enough for me. I mean check out the songs below - pretty much heavier then the Black Album, right? The drums kinda suck but honestly no one expected much from tennis boy anyway. Somehow Rick even got James to stop with the terrible singing crap and got him to just yell.
The Judas Kiss
I haven't downloaded it but I have listened to some tracks on YouTube and I have to say - it's awesome! Well, it's nothing ground breaking but it's fucking heavy. Well at least some of the tracks are but that's good enough for me. I mean check out the songs below - pretty much heavier then the Black Album, right? The drums kinda suck but honestly no one expected much from tennis boy anyway. Somehow Rick even got James to stop with the terrible singing crap and got him to just yell.
The Judas Kiss
Broken, Beat, And Scarred
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
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