I will be out of the office until August 2nd. Expect no posts from me. Tom might put something up but I'll be in the mountains fishing, mushroom hunting, and other natury bullshit. No computers and minimal cell phone use for 1 week.
See you at the pool on Sunday! Black Lips and King Khan!
Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Cold War Kids "Something Is Not Right With Me"
The new single by the Cold War Kids is now streaming on MySpace. If you want to actually download it then wait until Thursday and head over to RCRDLBL.
August 10th Pool Party Announced: Langhorne Slim, Deer Tick
The mysterious August 10th JellyNYC Pool Party has finally been announced in it's entirety. It's a good one kids.
The Felice Brothers
Langhorne Slim
Eli "Paperboy" Reed & The True Loves
Deer Tick
Langhorne Slim
Eli "Paperboy" Reed & The True Loves
Deer Tick
Hopefully they announce the August 24th show soon. It's got to be pretty good since it's going to be the last Pool Party actually happening at the pool.
Monday, July 21, 2008
"9 out of 10 Questions with the Muslims"

Brooklyn Ski Club talked recently with Matty McLoughlin - guitarist extraordinaire - from the Muslims, our favorite indie rock bar band from the greater San Diego area. For more info on the Muslims, check out BSC's review of the group's June shows or simply check out their myspace page at www.myspace.com/themuslims
Matty McLoughlin: Tom, k here we go.
BSC: What's the origin story of the group? You guys seem to give-off a last-gang-in-town vibe. Is that description accurate?
MM: Matt and I went to the same high school in San Diego but didn't become friends until after high school through a mutual friend. After I finished college in Virginia I decided to move back to San Diego to start a band with Matt. We played our first show in January of 2007. Dave (bass) joined in January of 2008, he also went to our high school and we've known him for a very long time. Brian (drums) also joined in January of 2008, we have known Brian for maybe five years now. Regarding the "last gang in town" thing, maybe that comes off because we all get along and no one is a butthole.
BSC: I've always thought that it was great that groups like Replacements and the Clash (re)defined punk rock as an expression of freedom. Stopping short of sticking you guys with the "punk rock" label, your group performs with a hell of a lot of abandon. Do you see yourselves in the same, err, tradition as these groups? Should a little recklessness trump musical precision in rock n roll?
MM: We have fun playing live and don't really care if its perfect. Whatever is exciting or funny at the time we do. Playing music is fun, goofing off with your friends is a good time, we are better when we don't think and just react. I think genuine recklessness is good, preconceived recklessness is the worst.
BSC: Listening to the songs, they don't seem to be politically-minded. Would you say that you named the group the Muslims as a lark then, or was there some plan in place to make a big statement?
MM: We didn't start the band to be political at all. We wanted to play music that we would want to hear. The name was something that just sounded good to us, we were in no way trying to make a statement or be offensive. We don't see it as offensive. I like the way it sounds, I think the letter M is great.
BSC: On this theme again, do you manage to get all kinds of interesting email as a consequence of your name? Any good anecdotes about this or other complications that resulted from the handle "the Muslims." I can imagine a scene where your group's name is hanging on the marquee of a club in the
Midwest/rust belt and all hell breaks loose…
MM: We haven't really gotten too much guff about the name through emails really. People will ask why it is our name, then we respond and its over. The only people that think the name is offensive or stupid are our parents, the dentist, people like that.
BSC: You're a young band in a new music world. Can you ever imagine making money off the sales of your music? Is this just a fact that you accept and have to just sort of shrug off?
MM: Everyone in the band works day jobs. Everyone enjoys being in the band and its our favorite thing to do. So not making a ton of money off the band isn't a problem for us. It would be nice not to work so much but personally, I write better songs after a day of making burritos and taking shit from morons. It sustains the edge. If I didn't have to work I would probably watch baseball all day and not get anything done.
BSC: I was pleased to see a lot dancing going on at your show at Union Pool in Brooklyn. It was really refreshing. I think a general impression is that New York crowds can be a little standoffish and aloof. But you guys got 'em dancing…am I wrong in seeing this as a major victory? Your thoughts?
MM: All of the shows we played in New York were great. We couldn't have had a better trip. It's a great feeling when people are jumping around and having as good a time as you are.
BSC: I noticed that you guys have a collection of pretty classic guitars. Are the Muslims closet gear-heads? Are you the only indie rock band in America we features a Fender Mustang and a Mustang bass onstage at the same time? More seriously, do you see a connection between classic instruments/gear and a more classic "sound"?
MM: No none of us are gear heads, We don't really know much at all about amps, guitars etc. David has had that music master bass since he was 12 or something, and that music master guitar that Matt plays is something I traded for in college. I think the reason we have a classic sound is that our songs are simple and we have reverb on our amplifiers.
BSC: I might speak for many East Coast types when I ask "what is the music scene like down in San Diego?" Honestly, anything in California south of Los Feliz/Silverlake is a black hole in terms of my musical knowledge, please enlighten me:
MM: I feel that the music scene in San Diego has gotten a lot better. San Diego ruled balls in the 90's (with Drive Like Jehu and Black Heart Procession, etc). After that time period things got pretty stupid and unoriginal and self conscious or something. But now with bands like The Sess and Kill Me Tomorrow things are good again. I think that's how it might work- great stuff, boring stuff, back to great stuff.
BSC: You guys had an impressive run storming through New York last month. One of the bills that you played was the Vice party, which turned out to be a pretty controversial event (there was a lot of buzz all over town afterwards about how poorly managed the whole thing was). As much respect as I have for Vice and other magazines and taste-making companies – they contribute a lot to the scene and help release music after all – is being a part of an event like that a bit surreal? On the other hand, does it make you feel a bit confined or pre-packaged? Like an item on an airplane menu?
MM: The Vice party was probably the most people we have ever played in front of. We had a great time and were treated really well. I didn't notice anything unorganized really but I was also not paying attention to anything and dicking off with my friends. I didn't feel prepackaged or anything like that, because we were just playing a party with free beer that anyone could go to.
We are coming back to New York August 18th at the Bowery Ballroom with The Walkmen and are playing a few more dates as well. Thanks.
2008. Tom Stuart (BSC)
Matty McLoughlin: Tom, k here we go.
BSC: What's the origin story of the group? You guys seem to give-off a last-gang-in-town vibe. Is that description accurate?
MM: Matt and I went to the same high school in San Diego but didn't become friends until after high school through a mutual friend. After I finished college in Virginia I decided to move back to San Diego to start a band with Matt. We played our first show in January of 2007. Dave (bass) joined in January of 2008, he also went to our high school and we've known him for a very long time. Brian (drums) also joined in January of 2008, we have known Brian for maybe five years now. Regarding the "last gang in town" thing, maybe that comes off because we all get along and no one is a butthole.
BSC: I've always thought that it was great that groups like Replacements and the Clash (re)defined punk rock as an expression of freedom. Stopping short of sticking you guys with the "punk rock" label, your group performs with a hell of a lot of abandon. Do you see yourselves in the same, err, tradition as these groups? Should a little recklessness trump musical precision in rock n roll?
MM: We have fun playing live and don't really care if its perfect. Whatever is exciting or funny at the time we do. Playing music is fun, goofing off with your friends is a good time, we are better when we don't think and just react. I think genuine recklessness is good, preconceived recklessness is the worst.
BSC: Listening to the songs, they don't seem to be politically-minded. Would you say that you named the group the Muslims as a lark then, or was there some plan in place to make a big statement?
MM: We didn't start the band to be political at all. We wanted to play music that we would want to hear. The name was something that just sounded good to us, we were in no way trying to make a statement or be offensive. We don't see it as offensive. I like the way it sounds, I think the letter M is great.
BSC: On this theme again, do you manage to get all kinds of interesting email as a consequence of your name? Any good anecdotes about this or other complications that resulted from the handle "the Muslims." I can imagine a scene where your group's name is hanging on the marquee of a club in the
Midwest/rust belt and all hell breaks loose…
MM: We haven't really gotten too much guff about the name through emails really. People will ask why it is our name, then we respond and its over. The only people that think the name is offensive or stupid are our parents, the dentist, people like that.
BSC: You're a young band in a new music world. Can you ever imagine making money off the sales of your music? Is this just a fact that you accept and have to just sort of shrug off?
MM: Everyone in the band works day jobs. Everyone enjoys being in the band and its our favorite thing to do. So not making a ton of money off the band isn't a problem for us. It would be nice not to work so much but personally, I write better songs after a day of making burritos and taking shit from morons. It sustains the edge. If I didn't have to work I would probably watch baseball all day and not get anything done.
BSC: I was pleased to see a lot dancing going on at your show at Union Pool in Brooklyn. It was really refreshing. I think a general impression is that New York crowds can be a little standoffish and aloof. But you guys got 'em dancing…am I wrong in seeing this as a major victory? Your thoughts?
MM: All of the shows we played in New York were great. We couldn't have had a better trip. It's a great feeling when people are jumping around and having as good a time as you are.
BSC: I noticed that you guys have a collection of pretty classic guitars. Are the Muslims closet gear-heads? Are you the only indie rock band in America we features a Fender Mustang and a Mustang bass onstage at the same time? More seriously, do you see a connection between classic instruments/gear and a more classic "sound"?
MM: No none of us are gear heads, We don't really know much at all about amps, guitars etc. David has had that music master bass since he was 12 or something, and that music master guitar that Matt plays is something I traded for in college. I think the reason we have a classic sound is that our songs are simple and we have reverb on our amplifiers.
BSC: I might speak for many East Coast types when I ask "what is the music scene like down in San Diego?" Honestly, anything in California south of Los Feliz/Silverlake is a black hole in terms of my musical knowledge, please enlighten me:
MM: I feel that the music scene in San Diego has gotten a lot better. San Diego ruled balls in the 90's (with Drive Like Jehu and Black Heart Procession, etc). After that time period things got pretty stupid and unoriginal and self conscious or something. But now with bands like The Sess and Kill Me Tomorrow things are good again. I think that's how it might work- great stuff, boring stuff, back to great stuff.
BSC: You guys had an impressive run storming through New York last month. One of the bills that you played was the Vice party, which turned out to be a pretty controversial event (there was a lot of buzz all over town afterwards about how poorly managed the whole thing was). As much respect as I have for Vice and other magazines and taste-making companies – they contribute a lot to the scene and help release music after all – is being a part of an event like that a bit surreal? On the other hand, does it make you feel a bit confined or pre-packaged? Like an item on an airplane menu?
MM: The Vice party was probably the most people we have ever played in front of. We had a great time and were treated really well. I didn't notice anything unorganized really but I was also not paying attention to anything and dicking off with my friends. I didn't feel prepackaged or anything like that, because we were just playing a party with free beer that anyone could go to.
We are coming back to New York August 18th at the Bowery Ballroom with The Walkmen and are playing a few more dates as well. Thanks.
2008. Tom Stuart (BSC)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tonight: Apes And Androids/APTBS at Music Hall. Sigmund Droid at Union Pool.
My two favorite NYC bands are playing shows right down the street from each other. First Sigmund Droid is playing a 9PM set at Union Pool. Then Apes And Androids are playing with A Place To Bury Strangers at Music Hall, which is the official Siren after party. Considering A&A and SD share members it should be a fun night running back and forth.
Sigmund Droid
@ Union Pool
9PM (that's set time not doors)
Apes & Androids
@ Music Hall of WIlliamsburg
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Santogold & Diplo - "Guns Of Brooklyn"
I dig Santogold, not so much Diplo. Nonetheless when anyone tries to cover my favorite Clash song ("Guns Of Brixton") I take notice. Style-wise it makes perfect sense. I actually had a conversation about M.I.A. covering it so Santogold just makes sense because, you know, they sound the same. Anyway, it's apretty straight forward cover - nothing to crazy as far as variations go. I dig it, I dig it alot actually.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
De La Rocha: One Day As A Lion "Wild International"

Holy shit Zach, it's about time you put out some non-Rage related music. People have been waiting for this almost as long as "Chinese Democracy". Go to MySpace and give the only available track "Wild International" a spin. Guess what- it's awesome! Not life changing awesome. But awesome nonetheless. It sounds like a stripped down RATM song, which it turns out is a good thing.
It's nice to have some music with a fucking edge. Listening to this one track makes me realize just how soft music is these days. One Day As A Lion is fucking fierce and I can't wait for the album to drop on July 22nd. Seriously I can't believe a jaded asshole like me is genuinely excited for an album release. I might actually go buy it even!
The 90's Video Assault, Episode 3: Tool
Tool fucking rules. They always have and I'm pretty sure they always will. "Sober" was the video that made them famous but I've always loved the "Prison Sex" video so much more. Frankly it's a better song too. But either way Tool made videos that were offensive and gruesome without actually showing anything offensive or gruesome...ok, maybe a little gruesome. They're like great old horror movies, the fucked up shit is implied but never seen. Plus the animation is amazing and dark. I was just going to post "Prison Sex" but fuck it, here you go:
Prison Sex
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What’s the use in referring to anything as punk rock anymore anyway? First of all, punk rock – a phenomena, a movement, a genre, a moment in time – as a concept has been completely divorced from Punk.
And by punk, we all know that I’m referring to the graphic t shirts and long shorts and warp tours and the like that blanket the walls of the Target nearest you. Punk as a commercial – and almost purposefully – cartoonish brand identity is one of the enduring images of our time. For my part, I can’t say it’s something that I saw coming the first time I heard the opening chords of “Basket Case.”
So the question is, what clever identity can we assign to indie groups who are too defiantly un-noodley and un-spacey and generally too ramshackle to impress the editors at Pitchfork? Is “indie” good enough? What about that old chestnut about “alternative rock – a term that hasn’t carried water since radio dials ran from left-to right – should we break that one back out?
Basically, what do I call a band like The Muslims? Somewhere in The Muslims bio someone makes a reference to The Replacements, and frankly, this is why I go down to see them on a Monday night in Manhattan for an early show at the Mercury Lounge. At this point, I’ve only heard their recordings online, though I don’t know exactly what to expect because the songs on the myspace page were both (a) terribly recorded and (b) suitably ramshackle to confirm those comparisons to the ‘Mats.
Keeping these two things in mind I was hoping for the best and prepping myself for the worst, as usual. The guys from The Muslims were milling about the club before they went on – goddamn was it early and goddamn was everyone so, so, sober – and from the look of the group, they seemed reassuringly relaxed and self-confident. Good, I thought. They took the stage and the show was a blur. The set wasn’t terribly long but it impressed in that each song seemed to buzz in and out with enough force and abandon. The singer was off to the side of the stage, letting the bassman take the middle ground – a good move on a night when dude was clearly the most animated man in the entire club.
I began to recognize the songs from the band page and I was pleased that my two friends, whom I’d dragged down – had enjoyed themselves. There also was a cool vibe around the audience of “hey, we’re the first gang in town to check out the buzz-band of the month.” We all new knew they were due to play several more high-profile gigs later in the week. Towards the end of the set, the band broke out their version of that song that every classic punk rock group was supposed to have. It’s the one where everybody sings a couple of lines with the frontman, and then obliges him by going “woah-oh-oh” on cue. They finish curiously on a rave up to end the night. Everyone kinda wishes they had finished with the anthem instead...
Friday night, myself and a different battery of friends find The Muslims again, this time at Union Pool. Even after the show kicks-off, my friends and I linger outside the hall for a while as the singer from the first act seems less stable than Daniel Johnston, so we cower over a few beers and smokes in the ‘garden’ and wait out the return of the crowd faves. Tonight, The Muslims – judged against the first show – kill.
Sure the bassplayer still knows how to make a move, but significantly, the singer’s moved back to center stage. He goes so far to even perform a few songs straight up, sans guitar, like a showman. It’s just as well, because although the vibe is leagues ahead of the Mercury show, the sound is muddy as hell and the rhythm guitar can’t be heard either way. The crowd is mixed and well into the music, if nothing else.
My friend Nora and I have the pleasure of standing behind a group of tall kids with Asian girlfriends, while the couples next to us argue about whether or not they think the Buzzcocks are “a classic group” (verdict? They decide that their first album was totally awesome if nothing else). The set is identical to the show the first night – and so are the band’s loved-and-lived in polo shirts – except for the addition of what Nora decides is a Spiritualized cover (which is really awesome) and finally, a one-song encore. Which means that tonight we get a set that closes with the woah-oh-oh song then the rave-up, then another rave-up on the heels of the first one.
At this point, my roommate, Jesse, concurs with my opinion from the first night that despite the overall quality of the source material, that the set’s pacing leaves something to be desired. And they do have the tunes. It must be said. And we all agree that they are a reckless and joyful act – which suits the image of the Pool’s manic, painted proscenium stage. Basically, the bottom line is that everyone leaves happy, and fairly satisfied; no one is obviously disrocked. No crimes against truth or beauty to be reported...
It’s also nice just to see a band swigging beers and tuning their guitars between songs by ear (when they bother to tune at all). So was that a punk rock show? I’m not sure what that means anymore, but I am pretty sure that's what we used to call it.
Monday, July 14, 2008
MGMT Touring With Beck
MGMT is going to be hitting the road with Beck for a few shows this summer. The tickets go on sale July, 16th but there's supposed to be a presale on MGMT's website. Here are the dates:
9/19 San Diego , CA Street Scene
9/20 Hollywood , CA Hollywood Bowl
9/22 Phoenix , AZ Dodge Theatre
9/23 Albuquerque , NM Kiva Auditorium
9/25 El Paso , TX Abraham Chavez Theatre
9/27 Austin , Texas Austin City Limits Music Festival
9/29 Kansas City , MO Uptown Theatre
9/30 Minneapolis , MN Wilkins Auditorium
10/2 Chicago , IL Aragon
10/3 Chicago , IL Aragon
The Dodos Are Playing Cakeshop On Thursday
The Dodos are playing a "secret" show on Thursday at Cake Shop. Doors are at 9PM and Necking will be opening. It's $8 and I don't think there's any advance tix for this one.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Albert Hammond Jr. Played Hiro
Who invited Sigma Chi to the AHJ show? I guess when the sponsor is a baseball video game you're bound to have some douche show up. I got to the show around 9:30 and headed to the bar for some free Bud, I ended up with a free Kirin - mistake in my favor, accepted. Then the waiting game began.
I was told that Albert would hit the stage at 10PM. Of course I wasn't expecting this to happen but when 11PM rolled around and still no sign of him or the band I bailed. I was looking forward to seeing him but I had other shit to do and couldn't continue to wait around. I left bummed but my friend was there and told me that the crowd ruined the show. It was a good set but when no one there gives a fuck it ruins it a bit. But anyway, I wasn't there so read this instead.
I was told that Albert would hit the stage at 10PM. Of course I wasn't expecting this to happen but when 11PM rolled around and still no sign of him or the band I bailed. I was looking forward to seeing him but I had other shit to do and couldn't continue to wait around. I left bummed but my friend was there and told me that the crowd ruined the show. It was a good set but when no one there gives a fuck it ruins it a bit. But anyway, I wasn't there so read this instead.
Tonight: Secret Threads Sample Sale, Brazilian Girls
Secret Threads is having a sample sale. Sneak out of work or take some summer hours because this thing starts early (3PM-8PM). Speaking of starting early - there will be free booze! Looks like someone is passing out before 11 tonight (you). If you can still function enough to navigate the subway system then head to Prospect Park for a free Brazilian Girls show.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
French Kicks, Headlights, And Tiny Masters Of Today Playing A Free Show In Brooklyn
French Kicks, Headlights, and Tiny Masters Of Today are playing a free show on August 6th at the "Tobacco Warehouse, Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park section of Brooklyn Bridge Park". The show is being presented by the Union Hall people. It's hosted by comedian Dave Hill.
VOD Reunion Show In, Wait For It.... Long Island.
The kings of Long Island hardcore are back for one more show. Not surprisingly the show is going down out on LI. While I won't be going to the show it is cool to see these guys back together. I never loved this band but they were good and my friends from Long island worshipped them. It was also funny how EVERY person I ever met from LI had some story about how they know, and/or are related to, Tim from VOD.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Siren After Party Announced (Apes & Androids, APTBS)... Better Than Siren!
The line-up for the Siren Music Festival after party was just announced. Apes And Androids and A Place To Bury Strangers are playing! I'm pretty sure that's better then the actual Siren Fest, no? The show will go down at The Music Hall of Williamsburg at 9PM. I'm not sure what the price is but I'll be there one way or another.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Deer Tick Is The Special Guest At The Death Vessel Show Tonight
Just got word that Deer Tick will be the special guest at the Death Vessel show tonight at the Knitting Factory. Show starts at 8PM. I'm not sure if Deer Tick is playing a seperate set or joining Death Vessel. Either way this is worth checking out.

Albert Hammond Jr. New Album Stream + Show Tonight
Check out the new Albert Hammond Jr. album Como Te Llama? Albert will be playing a private invite only show at Mercury Lounge tonight. Now might be a good time to call in that favor to your music biz buddy.
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