Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Monday, June 30, 2008
The '90's Video Assault, Episode 2: DOWN
Great, great song by the all-star metal band Down (members of Pantera, COC, Eyehategod, and Crowbar). The funny thing is that this sounds a lot more like Skynryd then Pantera. Finally a band teenage metal heads in 1995 could enjoy with their old man. Sadly the next album wasn't nearly as good, or "southern" sounding, but NOLA is a classic and this is the song that introduced Southern Metal.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tonight: Burning Brides, Free Booze (Sorta)
You could have RSVPd and got into this little party for free but it's too late now. Still $10 for four bands and free drinks is pretty good.

***Made Out Of Babies ARE NOT PLAYING... just an FYI.

***Made Out Of Babies ARE NOT PLAYING... just an FYI.
Reunited Biohazard Played Staten Island
Somehow I didn't hear a peep about this show before hand but apparently the original Biohazard lineup played a show at L'Amour in Staten Island on June 20th. The original lineup meaning with Bobby Hambel - that dude is awesome! The best albums Biohazard made were with Bobby (including the legendary Urban Discipline!) so this is a big deal. Anyway, despite the fact that I completely slept on this at least there's a video on YouTube.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mobius Band Playing Breeders After Party (Free Show)
Mobius Band are playing the Breeders after party on 7/13. The show/party is at the Music Hall of Williamsburg.
Free after party for the Breeders McCarren Pool show!
Mobius Band
Amazing Baby
Sun 7/13
Doors 6:30 pm / Show 7:30 pm
Mobius Band
Amazing Baby
Sun 7/13
Doors 6:30 pm / Show 7:30 pm
Ice-T Versus Soulja Boy... The Cartoon
If you haven't heard Ice-T dissed Soulja boy and then Soulja boy posted a terrible reply video that was a failed attempt at talking shit. But then we went and posted this cartoon which is kinda hilarious. I'm still taking T's side on this, although it would have been better if he just kept his mouth shut. Either way though funny is funny and this is pretty good.
MGMT - Electric Feel (Justice Remix)
Apparently there's been some bootleg version of this remix floating around. Here is the official version and as someone who doesn't really like remixes this ain't half bad.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Fucking Bummer: George Carlin Died
I regret to inform you fine folks that comedy legend, George Carlin, died at the age of 71. I guess 71 is pretty old for a comedian when you consider the lifestyle but it still seems a bit premature, ya know?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
FREE Hold Steady/Aberdeen City Show In Boston
If you happen to be in Boston on June 26th then I highly recommend heading to the Paradise for the FREE (just RSVP) Hold Steady & Aberdeen City show. If that doesn't work then you can see them for free right here in Brooklyn a few days later when they play the first Pool Party of 2008.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Old Punks Are Joining The Masons (Yes, Those Masons!)
This is a weird story. It seems that punk rockers the world over have been joining the Masons. Yes, the fraternal organization and secret society that has held in it's rank former presidents (Washington!). While I get the fraternal thing (punks like the brotherhood stuff) I don't get the secret society aspect. Given that most punks I know are conspiracy theorists it seems odd that they would sign up for the organization that is often cited as being behind those conspiracies. Or maybe they're infiltrating the system, man. I guess you can do more damage from the inside (or at least that's what I learned from SLC Punk).
Punks in the Masons - Boing Boing
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
King Khan & The Shrines: New Album Streaming On MySpace
The new King Khan album hit stores today but if you want to listen first then head over to the MySpace page and give it a spin. If you haven't heard this band and you like The Black Lips then you should really check them out. They're playing the Seaport on June 27th.
Cavalera Conspiracy Cover Possessed
The brothers Cavalera have posted an insane cover of "The Exorcist" by Possessed on MySpace. Despite the fact that it's not their song it's nice to here them play shit similar to the Beneath The Remains/Arise era Sepultura. It's just a great cover of a great song... if you like crazy death/thrash metal that is.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Win Weekend Passes To POPPED Fest w/ Gogol Bordello, Vampire Weekend, Mates Of State & More!
Better hurry if you want to try and win. Just go to the group page and join the group and you're entered to win. There are 4 pairs of regular weekend passes and one pair of VIP passes.

The Annuals Playing SoundFix & Union Pool On Thursday
The Annuals are playing two shows in Brooklyn on Thursday. The first is a free show at Soundfix which starts around 6PM. Then they head towards the Lorimer stop and play a set at Union Pool with Hymms. This show starts at 8PM and costs $13, which seems kinda steep considering you can see them for free the same day.
The '90's Video Assault, Episode 1: GLU
This will be a new weekly video tribute to my favorite decade ever, the 90's. This video itself isn't great but the song is. God Lives Underwater were one of the few industrial/rock bands back in the day that had the licks to compete with NIN. Sure they went into the shitter later in the decade but they started strong with songs like "All Wrong". You might be saying "dude, there were way better bands you could lead this new weekly thing off with" but I don't care - picking a fucking Nirvana video is easy, so fuck off.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Today: Roof Party w/ Finger On The Pulse + BBQ & BYOB!
This was supposed to go down last night but got postponed because of rain. Starts around 5PM today.

***UPDATE*** Might want to check this one out too - it's right around the corner

***UPDATE*** Might want to check this one out too - it's right around the corner
Friday, June 13, 2008
Updated The Layout
Hey, check out the new layout. I tried to keep it similar to the old one but I updated to the new template format for Blogger to make life easier. There are a few things that bother me, like the header - which I'll be changing. I'm also kinda pissed that the sidebar doesn't extend down to the bottom of the page. But I'll deal with it and try to fix it later. For now this is good enough. Please let me know your thoughts. I might just change back to the old shit.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
David Byrne Plays Building. Dumb Or Coool?
David Byrne rigged an entire building in NYC to make sound. He controls all the bangs and chimes from an old organ. Part of me sees this and thinks "well that's kinda cool" and another says "dude, really?". The amount of money spend on this thing could have probably fed a village in [insert war torn country]. Then again if I was still 10 years old I would have LOVED this. So you be the judge, pretentious waste of money or interactive fun? Either way David needs to stop hanging out with Philip Glass.
City And Colour Exclusive MySpace Performance & Interview
Alexisonfire front man Dallas Green recently recorded an exclusive performance for MySpace. As expected it’s all acoustic and it’s all awesome! Man, this guy has one hell of a voice and he’s pretty handy with geetar too. Anyway, if you read BSC you know I really dig both of Dallas Green’s projects, Alexisonfire and City & Colour, but I think C&C really appeals to broader crowd then Alexis ever will. Hopefully the success of the solo stuff doesn’t put the band on hold for too long.
Link: City And Colour Videos
Too Little, Too Late (Still Awesome)
My favorite little guy, Kucinich, filed papers of impeachment against George W. Bush. There's about .04% that he will actually be impeached but nonetheless it's nice that someone had the balls to do this. Clearly the ol' Georgy boy has done some shady shit and deserves it. In fact he makes Nixon look like a saint. Anyway, here is the link and video, enjoy.
The Raw Story | Kucinich presents Bush impeachment articles
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Go Outside Ya Bum
It's beautiful out... ok, so 100 degrees and muggy might not be beautiful but there's plenty to do today.
Big Apple BBQ
3rd Ward BBQ
Loving Day Celebration
Free BBQ, Booze, Ice Cream 3-4PM


3rd Ward BBQ

Loving Day Celebration
Free BBQ, Booze, Ice Cream 3-4PM


So yeah, no excuses today and when all that shit wraps up there's only one thing left!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tonight's Black Lips Show Moved!
The Black Lips show scheduled for Ridgewood Music Hall has been moved to Market Hotel by the Myrtle J stop instead. Just thought you all might like to know that.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Apes & Androids @ Bowery Ballroom, Sigmund Droid @ Fontana's
Friday turned out to be one hell of a night. First of all Apes And Androids were headlining Bowery Ballroom. Considering I've probably written more posts about A&A then any other band I was pretty excited about that. Apes And Androids in front of a sold out Bowery - awesome!
I got to the show earlier then I expected. The first band hadn't even gone on yet. So I hung around in the basement. I snuck up a few times to check out the openers - both were pretty good. Free Blood was one of them but the name of the other is slipping my mind. Then Reggie Watts took the stage. I saw Reggie for the first time about a month ago at Rififi. He's a stand up comedian who specializes in creating hilarious songs on stage using nothing but a sampler and his voice. Friday night he did not disappoint. The crowd was loving it and even singing along - "Fuck Shit Stack!"
Then A&A came out and blew everyone's minds. I could go through and break it down song by song but by now I've reviewed so many A&A shows that it's hard to come up with clever phrases to describe how fucking awesome they are live. But I'll try summarize some of the highlights. The show started with a blast of confetti and streamers, which set the mood nicely. As always one of the best parts was about half way through when they busted out the drums and played "Golden Prize".
The finale, as expected, was insane. For one they closed with "Hot Kathy" by far my favorite song by A&A and in my opinion the perfect closer. Then the 8-foot tall unicorn monsters were led out from the back by two chicks in tight silver spandex. They lumbered around the dance floor trying not to tip over. Next up a chorus of people joined A&A on stage and followed "Hot Kathy" with the chorus to "Hey Jude". And that was that, minds were blown, lives were changed, and Apes & Androids made their point.
After the show everyone headed over to Fontana's for the official after party. Sigmund Droid played with David from A&A on guitar. Sigmund Droid shows are always fun but this one was extra insane. Not only was it the A&A after party but it was also Sol's birthday. The whole downstairs was packed full of people dancing and jumping off of shit - it was intense. After that I split but the party raged on. It was one hell of a night in outer space.
I got to the show earlier then I expected. The first band hadn't even gone on yet. So I hung around in the basement. I snuck up a few times to check out the openers - both were pretty good. Free Blood was one of them but the name of the other is slipping my mind. Then Reggie Watts took the stage. I saw Reggie for the first time about a month ago at Rififi. He's a stand up comedian who specializes in creating hilarious songs on stage using nothing but a sampler and his voice. Friday night he did not disappoint. The crowd was loving it and even singing along - "Fuck Shit Stack!"
Then A&A came out and blew everyone's minds. I could go through and break it down song by song but by now I've reviewed so many A&A shows that it's hard to come up with clever phrases to describe how fucking awesome they are live. But I'll try summarize some of the highlights. The show started with a blast of confetti and streamers, which set the mood nicely. As always one of the best parts was about half way through when they busted out the drums and played "Golden Prize".
The finale, as expected, was insane. For one they closed with "Hot Kathy" by far my favorite song by A&A and in my opinion the perfect closer. Then the 8-foot tall unicorn monsters were led out from the back by two chicks in tight silver spandex. They lumbered around the dance floor trying not to tip over. Next up a chorus of people joined A&A on stage and followed "Hot Kathy" with the chorus to "Hey Jude". And that was that, minds were blown, lives were changed, and Apes & Androids made their point.
After the show everyone headed over to Fontana's for the official after party. Sigmund Droid played with David from A&A on guitar. Sigmund Droid shows are always fun but this one was extra insane. Not only was it the A&A after party but it was also Sol's birthday. The whole downstairs was packed full of people dancing and jumping off of shit - it was intense. After that I split but the party raged on. It was one hell of a night in outer space.
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