Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tonight: Radio America, Sigmund Droid, NY Howl
Two fun shows in the same hood tonight. First it's an early set by Sigmund Droid @ Galapagos ($5, 7PM) and then it's Radio America @ Spike Hill (Free, opening for NY Howl). Both shows should be over by 10:30 so you can still go out and party it up afterwards... you sleazy drunk bastards. **Oh and Tom from Radio America will make out with the first person that walks up to him and says "Ninny Ninny Nah Nah".

NYC Loves Apes And Androids
Last night Apes and Androids performed to a packed Hiro Ballroom. I'll save my full review for later but a few quick notes. The crowd was an unusual mix of people that kinda proves this band has a much further reach then some people give them credit for, I'm sure the Rolling Stone write up doesn't hurt either. From a musical stand point this was probably the best I've ever seen them perform, although the stage show was a bit lacking. But that's a good thing because it means they're such an incredible band right now that giant robots and viking ships are no longer necessary... but we still love that shit.
Photos:**More Updates to come**
Ski Club Set (90 shots)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tonight: FREE Apes & Androids Show
Well, it's free if you RSVPd. But if you're reading this now you probably didn't which means you ain't getting in. If you did RSVP get there really fucking early because over 1300 people RSVPd for this.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Tonight: Radio America, Punk Rock Karaoke, FREE Sparks
If I wasn't going to be in Boston tonight I would be at this thing. It's the first night of a new party, Save Your Generation.

FREE French Kicks/Bon Savants Show In Boston
Ok, so you might be thinking, "why the hell is Matt posting a show in Boston? Can't he read the title of his own stupid blog?" Yeah, dick, but guess what? I'm going to be in Boston at this show and believe it or not BSC actually has some readers in Boston... and this post goes out to both of them! Oh and also I helped put the show together. Anyway it's French Kicks with the local boys Bon Savants, Harris, and Aloud. The show is free with RSVP.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Municipal Waste Playing SXSW

If any of you metal heads get sent down to SXSW for work, have no fear. Municipal Waste will bring the thrash! So while everyone else is standing around being to cool to uncross their arms while the latest blog hype band dicks through their set you'll be funneling beer and boogie boarding the crowd with the Waste! Just remember: you're in Texas - home of Pantera. So you better head bang.
Mar 10 - 8:00PM Meridian Red Room Houston, Texas
Mar 11 - 8:00PM Red 7 Austin, Texas
Mar 12 - 8:00PM Red Blood Club Dallas, Texas
Mar 13 - 8:00PM SXSW (Emo’s Annex) Austin, Texas
Mar 14 - 8:00PM SXSW (Broke Neck Warehouse) Austin, Texas
Mar 15 - 1:00PM SXSW (Waterloo Park) Austin, Texas
Mar 16 - 8:00PM The Crossing San Antonio, Texas
...yeah I know they're not all SXSW but close enough.
Mar 11 - 8:00PM Red 7 Austin, Texas
Mar 12 - 8:00PM Red Blood Club Dallas, Texas
Mar 13 - 8:00PM SXSW (Emo’s Annex) Austin, Texas
Mar 14 - 8:00PM SXSW (Broke Neck Warehouse) Austin, Texas
Mar 15 - 1:00PM SXSW (Waterloo Park) Austin, Texas
Mar 16 - 8:00PM The Crossing San Antonio, Texas
...yeah I know they're not all SXSW but close enough.
SXSW Torrent
SXSW didn't release their own torrent this year so this dude went ahead and did it for them. Ain't he sweet?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Links O'The Day
- HORSE The Band talk world tour, get new drummer. <link>
- MyOpenBar release ShitList Facebook app <link>
- Human Giant "leak" a new episode to iTunes, but it's gonna cost you. <link>
- Skate Uganda! <link>
- New Mos Def "Your Feets Too Big". <stream>

Tonight: Radio America, Be Your Own Pet, Rawles Balls
Radio America are making their Mercury Lounge debut tonight with Be Your Own Pet. The show starts at 7PM sharp and it's $10. After the show the RA boys are heading to Parkside Lounge to jam with the funniest fucker in music.... Rawles! That show is free and worth every penny.

While you're here check out the video Radio America just released for "Mahabharata"
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Lindsay Lohan Posed Nude
Hey pervs, Lindsay Lohan (finally) posed nude. She shot a nude pictorial for NY Mag (WTF?) which recreates Marilyn Monroe's last nude shoot. Are the pictures super hot? Not really. Does Lindsay have A+ tits? Pretty much. So yeah, thanks NY Mag. Even if these aren't the sexiest nude pics ever they do open the door to future Lohan nude scenes in movies and maybe a Playboy shoot (although that will probably suck). Tune in to NY Mag online on Wednesday for 6 "web only" outtakes - in general outtakes tend to be better then the crap that gets published.
Monday, February 18, 2008
FREE French Kicks Show Tonight
The French Kicks are playing a free show tonight at Fontana's. The RSVP is closed but I'm sure you'll figure out a way to weasel your way in, you always do. Yes, you... Annie from Brooklyn. I just blew your mind didn't I?

Speaking of free French Kicks shows, well I got another for you Boston folks. Here's a little something I put together for ya's.

Speaking of free French Kicks shows, well I got another for you Boston folks. Here's a little something I put together for ya's.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Tonight: NYLON Party w/ The Kills + Free Booze
Pretty decent event for a Monday night. NYLON Mag is giving you the Kills and booze all for the price of your email address, which translates to Must RSVP.

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Earth Crisis, Shai Hulud, Sworn Enemy, & Terror @ Gramercy!

Holy fuck! This is one of the most badass lineups I've ever seen. First of all the reunited legends, Earth Crisis, are headlining. Then we've got one of my personal favorites in Shai Hulud (also reunited). And then we've got Sworn Enemy and fucking Terror to round out the lineup. I haven't been this excited about a show in a long ass time.
I just bought a ticket and it cost $32 after processing. That's way more then I've ever spend for a hardcore show but I do not mind at all. Ahh! I can barely contain my excitement!
Earth Crisis
w/ Shai Hulud, Sworn Enemy, Terror, Down To Nothing, Recon
@ Blender Gramercy Theatre
March 1st
Keep Your Mouth Shut - Terror
w/ Shai Hulud, Sworn Enemy, Terror, Down To Nothing, Recon
@ Blender Gramercy Theatre
March 1st
Keep Your Mouth Shut - Terror
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Tonight: Bang Camaro & Cheeseburger

The band is composed of a bassist, a drummer, three guitarists, and anywhere from ten to fifteen vocalists comprising a full choir of lead singers. The band's music is somewhat similar in style to '80s metal and glam rock. The basic song structure employed by the band does away with traditional verses in order to highlight catchy choruses and integrate as many guitar solos as possible. The result has been described by the band as, "taking everything we loved about the genre, and throwing everything out that we hated." The band cites Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly as influences in addition to hard rock bands like Iron Maiden and Dokken. "I would call us anthem rock," said Alex Necochea. "We're really not heavy metal. I think our focus is more on writing great singles, as best as we can make them. That's just something Bryn and I grew up on. We're big fans of melody and big driving hooks, that sort of thing.Here are some pictures from Tuesday:
Friday, February 01, 2008
Tonight: GZA, Spank Rock, LNP, Ben Sherman
OK, here's the deal for tonight. First there's the LastNightsParty thing at the Ben Sherman store. I hear that Spank Rock will be attending and possibly performing. Then it's off to Studio B for what was originally a Spank Rock show. Today it was announced that GZA will be performing with Spank Rock, which is awesome. Oh, it's also Jeremy J's birthday party but I can't tell you where that is.

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