Around 5PM on Friday I started getting very, very, sick. I had a fever and full body aches - I was in bad shape. So I guzzled a bunch of NyQuil and got some sleep. On Saturday morning I woke up and still felt kind of shitty so I dropped some DayQuil. Then later on when it started to wear off I dropped some more. So I was basically sick as hell but felt ok because I was all Quilled up.
Around 8:30PM my brother and some friends showed up at my place and we had a few drinks. Then, around 10PM, we headed out the door. When we got to Rated-X there was still about 15 minutes of open bar left so everyone drank up while they could. At this point the upstairs wasn't open yet so we were all crammed around the bar downstairs.
More and more people started showing up, including Tom and the Radio America crew. Then they opened up the second floor and so we went upstairs and the dancing began. At first it was a little empty up there but within an hour it was completely packed. I was actually quite surprised it was so full so early in the night. I've been to quite a few Rated-X parties and it usually doesn't get really packed until about 1AM or so. But I'm pretty sure it was barely midnight when the floor filled up.
So that's how it all started and after that I was running around like crazy the rest of the night. Most of the people I invited out showed up so I was introducing a lot of people and meeting even more. To be honest most of the night was a blur and not because of the booze - it was just hectic, but in the fun way.
I want to thank Michael T. & Theo for inviting me to host. It was a great time and everyone I was with seemed to have fun too.
Oh when I got to Rated-X and started taking pics I realized I left my memory card at home so my camera was completely useless. Luckily Phil showed up and had his real deal professional camera with him. So the below pics are his shots, not mine.

ha, the girl stand-straddling the guy is my roommate. good for her.
the sexy naked girl with pearl earing is my baby mama! I LOOOOOVEEEE HER!
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