Believe it or not it's been exactly one year since the very first Brooklyn Ski Club post. It's been a very up-and-down beginning - most months BSC got about 5,000 visitors but there were a few times we got 2,000 visitors in a day.
I was originally going to have a big 1-year anniversary party but I've decided to wait until next year. BSC started out geared towards party and nightlife and has since changed directions more towards music. Anyway, I want to thank some people that have been good to Ski Club over the past year. First of all thanks to Andy Shaw, he helped out BSC big time in the early days before anyone else ever heard of it. All of the bands I've been in contact with, especially Apes & Androids and Sigmund Droid. Of course, I have to thank the original BSC crew and past/present contributors- Hank, Cutie, Trav, Olga, Gabe, Bryan, Phil, & Tom. Finally a big thanks to all the people that have shown support to Brooklyn Ski Club like Michael T (Motherfucker & Rated-X) and Antonio (Trash).
I also want to thank all my fellow bloggers out there who have sent traffic my way like Cocaine Corner, Brooklyn Vegan, Buzzgrinder, Stereogum, MyOpenBar, Gorilla Vs. Bear, IndieErotica, Suckapants, and everyone else out there that's sent people this way.
I know there are plenty more of you out there I didn't mention and it's because I just woke up and my brain isn't functioning yet. Feel free to leave a comment saying "Hey, fuck you! Where's my name asshole?"
To celebrate the big b-day click on the past months and read some old posts.
jagshemash asshole!
now don't forget to check out this band:
The Sword at Nsix
Congratulations Mr. Saturday Night.
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