I'll be honest with you here, I never really like Depeche Mode. Then again I wasn't much into 80's music. That said if I had to listen to 80's pop these guys were one of the better bands for sure. But forget about me, I know alot of you out there love these guys so I figured I'd post this for your retro asses.
Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Free Underoath Ringtone

Via MySpace
We're giving away a free ringtone for joining our mobile club.
Here's what you need to do.
Text underoath to 66937.
You'll get two messages, make sure to reply with Y to the second to officially subscribe to our new mobile fan club (don't worry, you'll only get messages from us and it's free).
Next go to www.mozes.com and login with your number. If you're subscribed and registered you'll see a Ringtone link toward the bottom of our Mozes profile. Click the link and the content will be sent to your phone.
One more thing, make sure to Smack us. It's a way for you to leave us a note and let us know what's on your mind.
We'll text you soon!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
High Voltage w/Bronques
I've been slacking lately when it comes to listing parties so I'm going to try and step up my game a bit. There's a new party in town called High Voltage. It's been around for about two weeks now and I've heard it's a god damn good time. Yeah it's all the same people from every other party down town but when a new party springs up it shoots some life into those kids.
Tonight Bronques from Last Nights Party is the special guest host. That means two things 1) there will be more girls then guys and 2) those girls will have their titties out most of the night. If you're single you shouldn't miss this unless you have a severe social phobia and/or STD...although the latter doesn't stop the regulars from coming out.

Tonight Bronques from Last Nights Party is the special guest host. That means two things 1) there will be more girls then guys and 2) those girls will have their titties out most of the night. If you're single you shouldn't miss this unless you have a severe social phobia and/or STD...although the latter doesn't stop the regulars from coming out.

The Wilhelm Scream (Not The Band)
This is a great video clip that strings together all of the clips from film and television which have used the "Wilhelm Scream." It's a famous sound effect used that I'm sure you will recognize once you hear it. Now if only someone will put together a clip of all the appearances of that "Dolphin Chirp" sound effect.
via Boing Boing
via Boing Boing
Mission Of Burma Announce Shows
Mission Of Burma have announced a few U.S. shows. There are only four dates at this point so I'm not going to call this a tour. Anyway, one of the dates is in NYC at Irving Plaza.
HORSE The Band - "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
Back in September HORSE The Band released their "Pizza" EP. The EP was recorded after the band had an epiphony about the beauty of pizza and decided to cut their tour short and record an album dedicated to the slice. All of the songs are originals about pizza except one song. A song you sung during your childhood, yes that's right - the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song. The song is now available for streaming on the band's MySpace page.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sin Destroyers

Holy shit! When you hear the concept of this band you're going to kick yourself in the nuts for not thinking of it yourself - mock Christian rock. Sure people have made a few jabs here and there about Christian Rock but none, that I'm aware of, created a band around the idea. They sorta remind me of Tenacious D when they were still funny. My favorite tune by these guys is "Thou Shall Not Not Rock," which is an instant classic.
Sin Destroyers have recorded a new Christmas track and will debut the video at The Lazy Catfish in Brooklyn on Saturday, Dec. 1st. There will be free beer and other assorted goodies.
Here is the trailer for the video:
Regis Meets Borat
You're probably sick of retards saying "high five" and "it's nice" by now but this is pretty good. From the looks of it this clip is kinda old but today was the first time I saw it.
Monday, November 27, 2006
How To Make Cocaine (Video)
The next time you're out partying you might want to keep this video in mind. It shows the process of how Cocaine is made in the jungles of Columbia. The process involves all sorts of toxic chemicals which can kill you. Now I'm not anti-drug, I think you should be able to decide what goes into your own body, but this is pretty fucking crazy. Who would have thought that cement and gasoline were needed to produce a "natural" drug from a plant? The party is over...
John Joseph - "The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon"
John Joseph is the singer of hardcore legends Cro-Mags and currently sings for Fearless Vampire Killers. John Joseph recently wrote a book called "The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon" if you don't have time to read it download this file and give it a listen. Warning: it's 4 hours long.
Alexisonfire & Anti Flag Presale Tickets
Today at 3PM presale tickets will be available for the Anti Flag & Alexisonfire show at Irving Plaza show on 3/8. The login name is "Anti" and the password is "flag" here is the presale link:
Back In The City
Late last night I returned to NYC from Thanksgiving festivities in Jersey. I had a good time and hung out with a bunch of old friends. It was a bit odd being the only person not married and/or a parent but that's why I love NYC. Instead of doing all that business at the age of 25 people here wait until 35, which works better with my schedule. So I had lots of fun in Jersey but I'm happy to be back in good ol' NYC.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
I'm headed out of town this afternoon and going down to South Jersey where internet connections are few and far between. You might not see a post here until Monday - sorry. If you're stuck in the city here are some events to keep you busy:
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Bloc Party: New Track
Just got this in the old inbox, the latest from Bloc Party. It's not bad, they're definitely trying something different on this tune. It almost has a bit of a TV On The Radio thing going on. I dig it, what do you think?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Interview Rock Stars
Every once in a while I have an opportunity to interview bands. Usually it's up and coming indie rockers but I've had a few chance for some big names. I always decline because I don't think I would make for a good interviewer. If you want to give it a go let me know. If you've done interviews before then that's a bonus.
Album Streams (Waits & Killswitch)
Some new albums I've been looking forward to are now streaming on AOL.
Michael Richards Goes Nuts (Video)**
If you haven't already heard Michael Richards, aka Cosmo Kramer, went bezerk the other night and went on a tirade at a comedy show. Some hecklers got under his skin and he responded by throwing the N-bomb at them. It was pretty fucking obscene.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Public Urination
In Canada officials will be installing public piss pots. Drunks and bums alike will be able to do their business in public with no tickets involved. Gone are the days of finding dark alleys and construction sites when nature calls. Now if only they add these to the streets of NYC. Where were these things about 3 years ago when I was busted for... err, nevermind.

Gabe Says: New Trail Of Dead Album
Former BSC review guy Gabe has decided to start reviewing albums again. He's starting his comeback with the new ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead album.

Gabe Says:
I’ve never understood the indie rock exposure that …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead gets. I honestly believe they owe most of it to their badass name. When Source Tags & Codes came out I was intrigued to find out what kind of bizarre storm of whirlwind rock could warrant such a heroic and frightening title. I heard their live shows were monumental. I heard they were a good band. That wasn’t what I heard when I listened to them. I heard pretentious ex-metalheads trying to fool everyone into thinking they write dark epic masterpieces. I found them mediocre at best; them or Godspeed! You Black Emperor, or Death From Above 1979 or My Mom Is Napoleon’s Penis (I’m not sure if that last one is real or not). But I also heard that this new album was going to be a new direction for the band, with a more traditional song-oriented approach of eclectic influences. Once again what I heard was way off.
On their near death bed as a band after the poor sales of their last album, Trail of Dead went into the studio to record a last hoorah EP. They came out with a full-length album that should have been an EP. They took mediocre songs, some even bordering on that foulest of musical styles: Emo Mallrock, and threw in interludes of bland orchestration to keep up with their own “epicness.” They even managed to make one of my favorite Guided By Voices songs sound pretentious by spewing cheeseball strings and piano all over it. What makes Bee Thousand such a great record is what it doesn’t say. The brain is the biggest erogenous zone, Trail of Dead, please try to keep in mind that sometimes less is actually more.
Matt Says:
Disagree, I hated this band before I heard this album. I think this was a step in the right direction. But I agree that they're WAY over-hyped.

"So Divided" by Trail Of Dead
Gabe Says:
I’ve never understood the indie rock exposure that …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead gets. I honestly believe they owe most of it to their badass name. When Source Tags & Codes came out I was intrigued to find out what kind of bizarre storm of whirlwind rock could warrant such a heroic and frightening title. I heard their live shows were monumental. I heard they were a good band. That wasn’t what I heard when I listened to them. I heard pretentious ex-metalheads trying to fool everyone into thinking they write dark epic masterpieces. I found them mediocre at best; them or Godspeed! You Black Emperor, or Death From Above 1979 or My Mom Is Napoleon’s Penis (I’m not sure if that last one is real or not). But I also heard that this new album was going to be a new direction for the band, with a more traditional song-oriented approach of eclectic influences. Once again what I heard was way off.
On their near death bed as a band after the poor sales of their last album, Trail of Dead went into the studio to record a last hoorah EP. They came out with a full-length album that should have been an EP. They took mediocre songs, some even bordering on that foulest of musical styles: Emo Mallrock, and threw in interludes of bland orchestration to keep up with their own “epicness.” They even managed to make one of my favorite Guided By Voices songs sound pretentious by spewing cheeseball strings and piano all over it. What makes Bee Thousand such a great record is what it doesn’t say. The brain is the biggest erogenous zone, Trail of Dead, please try to keep in mind that sometimes less is actually more.
Matt Says:
Disagree, I hated this band before I heard this album. I think this was a step in the right direction. But I agree that they're WAY over-hyped.
Radio America at Crash Mansion
Brooklyn Ski Club review guy Tom is in a band called Radio America. They played on Friday at Crash Mansion, here are some pictures from the night.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Music Biz Lawsuits (Jay-Z vs. Troll, UMusic vs. MySpace)
Everyone is suing everyone these days. Don't you just love copyrights? Here are today's lawsuits for ya. The Universal one is your typical music biz lawsuit but the Jay-Z one is interesting. Beware of Trolls:
Tonight: Le One Night Stand
After I check out Radio America at Crash Mansion I'm heading over to Bar 13 for One Night Stand.

Le One Night Stand @ Bar 13
35 East 13th Street (@ University Place)
$1 to party all night long!
35 East 13th Street (@ University Place)
$1 to party all night long!

Tonight: Radio America @ Crash Mansion
You know that dude Tom that occasionally writes album reviews for BSC? Well, he's in a band called Radio America and they're playing tonight at Crash Mansion.
It's free if you RSVP - RSVP@NewYorkUnderbelly.com
It's free if you RSVP - RSVP@NewYorkUnderbelly.com
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Ol' Dirty Bastard's Birthday Party
Ever since the first time I heard "Shame On A Nigga" ODB was my favorite member of Wu-Tang. Last night I had a chance to go to his birthday party at Canal Room. You know you were awesome when they still throw birthday parties for you after you die.
The rumor of the night was that Wu-Tang was going to perform. Actually it was more then a rumor, it was printed on the flyers. Plus I was told by an employee of Canal Room that it was confirmed, so I went. Hell, for ODB I would have went even if Wu-Tang wasn't performing.
I got to Canal Room around 11PM and headed towards the bar. Normally these parties at Canal Room have free booze so I asked the bartender what was free for the open bar and he told me nothing. Damn it! I was not looking forward to buying drinks at a venue because it's not very cheap usually. So I ordered a Red Stripe (for Tom) and a can of Rheingold for myself - $13 for both!!! Fuck! It's in a fucking can for God's sake.
So as I slowly sipped my beer we hung out and waited for Wu-Tang. Then a bunch of dudes went on stage and started rapping. One of the guys said he used to work with ODB in a warehouse in Florida, so it was clear they were letting anybody up there. After that it was even more people I didn't recognize. Then they brought up Papa Wu and the whole place sung "Happy Birthday" to ODB.
It was starting to get late and there was no sign of Wu-Tang. I was a huge fan of Wu back in the day so I know what these mother fuckers look like and I didn't see a single one of them. So around 1:15 or so I gave up and headed home very disappointed and very worried they might go on after I left. This morning I found out I made the right move since Wu-Tang never took the stage last night. What a shame...ODB, happy birthday.
The rumor of the night was that Wu-Tang was going to perform. Actually it was more then a rumor, it was printed on the flyers. Plus I was told by an employee of Canal Room that it was confirmed, so I went. Hell, for ODB I would have went even if Wu-Tang wasn't performing.
I got to Canal Room around 11PM and headed towards the bar. Normally these parties at Canal Room have free booze so I asked the bartender what was free for the open bar and he told me nothing. Damn it! I was not looking forward to buying drinks at a venue because it's not very cheap usually. So I ordered a Red Stripe (for Tom) and a can of Rheingold for myself - $13 for both!!! Fuck! It's in a fucking can for God's sake.
So as I slowly sipped my beer we hung out and waited for Wu-Tang. Then a bunch of dudes went on stage and started rapping. One of the guys said he used to work with ODB in a warehouse in Florida, so it was clear they were letting anybody up there. After that it was even more people I didn't recognize. Then they brought up Papa Wu and the whole place sung "Happy Birthday" to ODB.
It was starting to get late and there was no sign of Wu-Tang. I was a huge fan of Wu back in the day so I know what these mother fuckers look like and I didn't see a single one of them. So around 1:15 or so I gave up and headed home very disappointed and very worried they might go on after I left. This morning I found out I made the right move since Wu-Tang never took the stage last night. What a shame...ODB, happy birthday.
Dead Child 11/15
Last night I was invited out to see a band called Dead Child. I think it features one of the dudes from Early Man or something like that. I listened to a couple of MP3's and decided I'd give it a chance.
I got to the Knitting Factory right at 10PM, which is when they were scheduled to go on. Of course they didn't go on until about 15 minutes after 10. So I only got to hear 3 songs but I think that was all I needed to hear to pass judgement.
Dead Child is what I think people mean when they say "hipster metal". It was what metal would sound like if non-metalheads did a spoof of metal. It was like every metal cliche rolled into one and it wasn't terribly good, or funny. I honestly couldn't tell if they were serious or being ironic. The riffs were the easiest power chord palm mute shit I have EVER heard. Considering I grew up a metalhead I've heard my fair share of half ass riffing.
Now the question is "did they suck?". The answer is no, they didn't suck but I wouldn't recommend seeing them. They kinda sound like a decent quality high school metal band. It really amazes me that indie people are into dumbed down metal like this when they take such pride in the cerebral nature of indie rock. Go see Lamb Of God if you want to hear metal.
I got to the Knitting Factory right at 10PM, which is when they were scheduled to go on. Of course they didn't go on until about 15 minutes after 10. So I only got to hear 3 songs but I think that was all I needed to hear to pass judgement.
Dead Child is what I think people mean when they say "hipster metal". It was what metal would sound like if non-metalheads did a spoof of metal. It was like every metal cliche rolled into one and it wasn't terribly good, or funny. I honestly couldn't tell if they were serious or being ironic. The riffs were the easiest power chord palm mute shit I have EVER heard. Considering I grew up a metalhead I've heard my fair share of half ass riffing.
Now the question is "did they suck?". The answer is no, they didn't suck but I wouldn't recommend seeing them. They kinda sound like a decent quality high school metal band. It really amazes me that indie people are into dumbed down metal like this when they take such pride in the cerebral nature of indie rock. Go see Lamb Of God if you want to hear metal.
Yoko Ono & Friends - "Yes, I'm A Witch"
Hahaha... Sorry but this is pretty damn funny. Apparently indie's elite have joined together for a Yoko Ono tribute album. They were allowed to keep elements of the original songs(?) and build new music around it.
It hits stores Feb. 2007
"Ahead of her time" - Now that is rich. I think if you substituted "crazy" in for that it would make more sense. Yoko Ono is a god damn no talent hack who should have never been allowed near a studio. Sorry but screeching jibberish yelled into a microphone is NOT music, or at least not good music. If Yoko Ono is "ahead of her time" then the future is a scary place. Here is who took part in this wretchedness.Hence the new Astralwerks release, Yes, I’m A Witch, a totally different kind of collaboration with some of
today’s most exciting musicians.Each artist was given her catalog to listen to, and upon selecting a cut, was provided with the vocals and
whatever other instrumental elements attracted them from that cut. Almost all the artists chose just the
vocals. They then produced entirely new musical tracks that make it clear just how ahead of her time her
compositions and performances were, and how they remain so.
Yes, I'm a Witch - Tracklisting
1. Witch Shocktronica Intro / Hank Shocklee 1:47
2. Kiss Kiss Kiss / Peaches 3:18
3. O'Oh / Shitake Monkey 3:39
4. Everyman…Everywoman / Blow Up 4:02
5. Sisters O Sisters / Le Tigre 2:47
6. Death Of Samantha / Porcupine Tree 4:36
7. Rising / DJ Spooky 4:37
8. No One Can See Me Like You Do / Apples In Stereo 3:56
9. Yes I'm A Witch / The Brother Brothers 3:49
10. Revelations / Cat Power 4:22
11. You And I / Polyphonic Spree 3:27
12. Walking On Thin Ice / Jason Pierce (Spiritualized) 5:07
13. Toy Boat / Antony (Antony And The Johnsons) and Hahn Rowe 4:25
14. Cambridge 1969/2007 / The Flaming Lips 5:36
15. I'm Moving On / The Sleepy Jackson 5:01
16. Witch Shocktronica Outro / Hank Shocklee :32
17. Shiranakatta (I Didn't Know) / Craig Armstrong 3:09

UCLA Cops Attack Student (Video)
This is some fucked up shit here. I don't know how these bystanders restrained themselves during this bullshit. Fuck these punk ass cops - they gotta use a fuckin tazer on a skinny ass college student who was on his way out the door?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Rock N' Roll Legos
Someone decided to recreate your favorite musicians as Lego poeple. I took a look and most are kinda dumb, as in they don't look like the person they're supposed to. But a few of them are pretty good, like Flavor Flav.
Movable Hype: Apes And Androids 11/15
Last night was the Gothamist party Movable Type 10.0 at the Knitting Factory. I went because this was the last Apes & Androids show of the year and they were headlining, which usually means they do something crazy.
I got to the show kinda early and went to the bar and had a few Kronenbourg's. A&A were scheduled to take the stage at 11PM so around 10:30 or so we headed into the main stage room. Some band was on stage setting up who were not Apes and Androids. The band was Bad Veins from Cincinnati. I'll start by being nice and telling you that they sounded decent. They were far from spectacular but they didn't suck either.
What pissed me off about these guys was the douche level. It was like they took every hipster music nerd cliche and rolled it up into one. First they start with a damn reel-to-reel tape player as a backing track. Which is dumb for two reasons, the first being they don't even make reel-to-reel tape any more. So these guys have to go out of their way just to record a damn backing track when they could easily do it on a digital format. Which brings up the second part, "Analogue is so much better sounding, man" - I mean come on dicks, maybe analogue is better but fucking reel-to-reel? Do you really think you look cool because a reel-to-reel tape deck is your third member.
Then it got even better, the singer starts off the song singing into a fucking megaphone. Come on! The best part is that the thing was feeding back like crazy and yet he stuck with it. Then on the next song he switched to a telephone he had hooked up to a mic stand. What I didn't get was that he was singing into the speaker end. Which means he either rewired the phone that way or his vocals were actually being picked up by the mic right next to it and he was just faking the phone thing.
Oh and here's the final kicker for these guys. The singer sounded almost exactly like Julian Casablancas. He was even using the distortion Julian uses. You know, where it sounds like he's singing through a fucking drive through speaker? Which was funny because in between songs he was talking to the crowd but no one could understand what the fuck he was saying.
After that whole thing ended I went for another beer and waited for Apes and Androids to get set up. After they finished tuning up and shit they all left the stage. Then the house music went down and a weird chanting chorus thing came on. It was the chorus of "Hot Kathy" but done in a very Viking-esque style. Then the band comes out into the crowd wearing black robes and carrying a boat above their heads. The boat was covered in black light paint and was glowing as they went in circles through the crowd.
After a few rounds with the boat they brought back stage and went on to perform. This is were I'm going to jump ahead a bit because they just played for a while. They were fucking spectacular but the only semi-weird thing that happened during mid-set was the glowing orbs got passed around.
At the end of the set they played the outro track they often close with. I was kinda surprised because they didn't play "Hot Kathy" which is by far their best tune. When they finished the outro they all kinda put down everything and there was a pause in the performance. In my prior experience this pause usually means something insane is about to happen.
Then out from the stage door came three horn players. You see "Hot Kathy" has a section with horns which are usually just done on the keyboards. I thought it was cool that they added live horns but I was expecting a bit more. Despite my slight disappointment "Hot Kathy" sounded amazing. And then it happened, towards the end of the song the stage door opens again and out come a troupe of Asian drummers. They were wearing what I assume is traditional costume for this sort of troupe. Then they started jamming with Apes & Androids to finish off "Hot Kathy". It was A&A, three horns, and about 6 Asian drummers - it was unbelievably awesome.
After they finished the song the drum troupe kept playing while the band members stood around watching. The crowd was still going crazy and you could tell by the looks on everyone's faces that this was one of the best shows they had ever seen. When it was all over a guy towards the front yelled out "Apes & Androids, you made me cream my pants" - which is a fair assessment of this show. I've seen some amazing performance by this band but this was probably the best one. Apes & Androids - I'll see you next year!
I got to the show kinda early and went to the bar and had a few Kronenbourg's. A&A were scheduled to take the stage at 11PM so around 10:30 or so we headed into the main stage room. Some band was on stage setting up who were not Apes and Androids. The band was Bad Veins from Cincinnati. I'll start by being nice and telling you that they sounded decent. They were far from spectacular but they didn't suck either.
What pissed me off about these guys was the douche level. It was like they took every hipster music nerd cliche and rolled it up into one. First they start with a damn reel-to-reel tape player as a backing track. Which is dumb for two reasons, the first being they don't even make reel-to-reel tape any more. So these guys have to go out of their way just to record a damn backing track when they could easily do it on a digital format. Which brings up the second part, "Analogue is so much better sounding, man" - I mean come on dicks, maybe analogue is better but fucking reel-to-reel? Do you really think you look cool because a reel-to-reel tape deck is your third member.
Then it got even better, the singer starts off the song singing into a fucking megaphone. Come on! The best part is that the thing was feeding back like crazy and yet he stuck with it. Then on the next song he switched to a telephone he had hooked up to a mic stand. What I didn't get was that he was singing into the speaker end. Which means he either rewired the phone that way or his vocals were actually being picked up by the mic right next to it and he was just faking the phone thing.
Oh and here's the final kicker for these guys. The singer sounded almost exactly like Julian Casablancas. He was even using the distortion Julian uses. You know, where it sounds like he's singing through a fucking drive through speaker? Which was funny because in between songs he was talking to the crowd but no one could understand what the fuck he was saying.
After that whole thing ended I went for another beer and waited for Apes and Androids to get set up. After they finished tuning up and shit they all left the stage. Then the house music went down and a weird chanting chorus thing came on. It was the chorus of "Hot Kathy" but done in a very Viking-esque style. Then the band comes out into the crowd wearing black robes and carrying a boat above their heads. The boat was covered in black light paint and was glowing as they went in circles through the crowd.
After a few rounds with the boat they brought back stage and went on to perform. This is were I'm going to jump ahead a bit because they just played for a while. They were fucking spectacular but the only semi-weird thing that happened during mid-set was the glowing orbs got passed around.
At the end of the set they played the outro track they often close with. I was kinda surprised because they didn't play "Hot Kathy" which is by far their best tune. When they finished the outro they all kinda put down everything and there was a pause in the performance. In my prior experience this pause usually means something insane is about to happen.
Then out from the stage door came three horn players. You see "Hot Kathy" has a section with horns which are usually just done on the keyboards. I thought it was cool that they added live horns but I was expecting a bit more. Despite my slight disappointment "Hot Kathy" sounded amazing. And then it happened, towards the end of the song the stage door opens again and out come a troupe of Asian drummers. They were wearing what I assume is traditional costume for this sort of troupe. Then they started jamming with Apes & Androids to finish off "Hot Kathy". It was A&A, three horns, and about 6 Asian drummers - it was unbelievably awesome.
After they finished the song the drum troupe kept playing while the band members stood around watching. The crowd was still going crazy and you could tell by the looks on everyone's faces that this was one of the best shows they had ever seen. When it was all over a guy towards the front yelled out "Apes & Androids, you made me cream my pants" - which is a fair assessment of this show. I've seen some amazing performance by this band but this was probably the best one. Apes & Androids - I'll see you next year!
Apes & Androids

Bad Veins

Full Set on BSC Flickr
A review from someone who has never seen them before and doesn't like the songs on MySpace - for all you doubters out there.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tonight: Movable Hype w/Apes & Androids
This will be your last chance to catch Apes & Androids this year. They are headlining tonights show which means they've probably got some crazy shit in store. Oh, it's a Gothamist party which is kinda cool, I guess.
"So Divided" by ...Trail Of Dead

"While My Guitar Gently Weeps"
My absolute favorite Beatles song performed by Petty, Prince, and many other all-stars. I know this is old but I just stumbled upon it and it's fan-fucking-tabulous. Seriously, I think I might like it better then the original version. I know that's blasphemy but it's up there.
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Blog Search Engine

Updated The Side Bar
I just cleaned out the side bar. The only thing that would be interesting to you is that I added a ton of shows to the "show review" section. See if you missed anything.
CMJ Photos
I was going to do a Saturday CMJ post and then a final wrap up post but I decided against it because it's too fuccking late at this point. Here's a brief summary - I saw White Whale at the Brooklyn Vegan party, they were good. While there I also drank a bunch of Sparks, which is not recommended at noon. Later that night, after Borat, I went and saw The Low Frequency In Stereo. They are pretty fucking awesome but they could use some more vocals. I also saw two bands open for them but I can't remember who they were - the first was good the second... not so much.
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