As one YouTube commentor said "What about cucmbers?".
Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Help Redesign BSC... Please
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006

Here are some links you should check out:
Link: MySpace Mugging
Proof that bloggers are, in fact, bums
Link: Can You Spare Some Change For Bandwith?
Vote for Al Gore or we will all be dead
We are all going to have brain tumors soon
Link: Cell Phone Excitability
Who can stop terrorism? Motorhead's roadie... seriously
Link: Motorhead Anti-Jihad
Drunk friend: Oh John, you're sooo funny. You should do stand-up?
John Mayer: Really? You think so? I guess I am pretty funny.
Link: John Mayer Avoids Black People, Loves Sluts
The Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival
The Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival at the Tobacco Factory in
I was disappointed the other young dude, Lupe Fiasco, billed as an emcee to watch didn’t come off as crazy. On tape, son is crazy... his rhyme schemes and layered punchlines "brown nosing like alf" have you constantly listening close, but live something about it didn't translate [tho "Kick Push" is gonna be a fucking classic]. In all fairness, though, his and Sleepy Browns’ style seemed not to mesh with the vibe the crowd was looking for whereas Fest’s did. While Fest was on some just rhyme shit, Lupe had a more gangster edge to him; the acapella he dropped was dope, but it had elements of the money/cash/hos/drugs theme that people came to escape from that I think lost him points.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
BillyBurg Film Fest POSTPONED
A Calm Night In The Village
We headed over to Rififi for Trash. On the way there we passed by Moby on the street - he was alone with a big hat on trying not to be recognized. We got to Rififi just as the rain started to come down. Again it was kind of calm - which is unusual. Within a few minutes of our arrival the power in the backroom went out. I'm pretty sure it was a breaker since it was only the backroom but I'm not a fucking electrician. People started to head for the exit and then boom - music. Everyone turned around and went back to dance.
I stayed up front by the bar since I'm not a huge fan of dancing but very fond of drinking. You know the comedian Eugene Mirman? You should check him out if you aren't familiar he's pretty funny. Well, he is also kinda creepy. He was pretty much lurking in the shadows all night. He was carrying around a camera tripod but I did not see a camera. Mirman would do a little pace from the front of the room to the back and then just stop and stand in the middle of the room and stare at the crowd. It was really fucking weird.
I like Rififi on Fridays quite a bit. It's cool because it's a crazy hipsterish party but without all the retardedness. Well last night the Blue States Lose people made an appearance. In particular 70's jogger man - dude was rocking 70's short shorts with an ass tight cotton jersey and I'm pretty sure he a had a headband on. Seriously, what the fuck? Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me to capture his magnificence. He wasn't the only one either, so I moved on.
After that it we took a trip to 7B for a night cap. Man I love that bar, great jukebox. Nothing exciting happened there at all. We just drank a couple of Natty Lite tall boys and rocked out to some Danzig. So overall last night was cool but there was a weird calmness in the air. Fucking summer in New York man - everyone stop going to the Hamptons and Jersey Shore. There is plenty fun to be had here.
Friday, June 23, 2006
WIN: Guestlist To Rated-X Saturday Night
I will randomly choose one winner who will get their name on the guestlist with a +1. Hurry the fuck up this shit is tomorrow night.

Theo & Michael T
Rated X/Panty Party...
Sci-Fi Mutant Prom!
@ Luke N Leroy
7th ave South & Leroy st
Saturday, June 24th
[Gay Pride/Shame Weekend]
Doors 10pm/21 +/ID Please!
$5 w/invite $10 w/out all nite!
2 4 1 Domestic Beers all nite for pant checkers!
$3 Alien shots for "Sci-Fi" patrons..all nite!
2 4 1 Domestic Beers & $4 Mixed Drinks btwn 3-4 for all!
Outer Space Cabaret Show @ Mid-Night!
Janice De Milo
Cathy Cervenka
Michael T aka..."The Mothership"
MC:Peppermint Gummybear
Hot Body/Sci-Fi Costume Contest
$200 GRAND PRIZE @2am
Justine D [Motherfucker]
DJ Jess [Trash]
Spinning:Icy New Wave, Road Warrior Post Punk & Glitter Galaxy Glam
Downstairs Dj's:
Rok One [The Bangers]
Kimann Foxman
Spinning:Intergalactic Soul& Nu-Wave Martian House!
invader hosts :
Stage, Lights& Decor:Ted E
Dresscode:Sci-Fi Movie looks [50's-80's] Gary Numan Meets Hazel O Conner
Spaceage Cowboy, Hookers from Mars, Silver, Spandex, Stars & Sequins!
Distributions:Shaw Promotions
Photos by:lastnightsparty
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Internet Partially Down?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Holy Diver!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Kings Of New York: Madball (& Turmoil) at CBGB's
You see, I was supposed to be on the Madball list but somehow that didn't happen. I tried to explain this to the guy at the door but no dice. It was ok though because I was told if I wasn't on the list to give Freddy Madball a call and he would get me in. So I gave Freddy a call - no answer - fuck! Then I stood in front of CB's for about 30 minutes hoping I would see someone I recognized so I could plea my case - I didn't see anyone.
I was really nervous/pissed that I might not get to see this show. I swore that I read the show was sold out so I never actually asked if there were still tickets, and the door guys didn't mention it either. I saw Turmoil was loading in so I found another door guy and asked if there were still tickets. To my surprise he said yes, so I reluctantly coughed up 15 dollars and headed inside.
Turmoil was setting up their shit when I walked in - perfect timing. The band took the stage and that's when I realized how long it's been since I've seen these guys. They looked much older then I remembered. The singer who used to be a skinny dude was huge now - not really fat but stocky. It was weird because he was famous for being this fairly small dude that used to go into the pit during shows and fuck people up. I never saw a Turmoil show back in the day that didn't end with him covered in blood (I'm not exaggerating at all).
Anyway, they started exactly the way any Turmoil fan would hope - "What the fuck! - are! - you!". It was great to those words after all these years. Turmoil was always one of my favorite bands to see live and based on what I was seeing they still are.
My complaint is that one of the best parts of seeing them way back when was the crowd interaction. They were in the pit with everyone else and it was insane to witness. This time around they barely moved at all and stayed far from the pit - when there was one. Which also surprised me about this show - no one seemed to give a fuck about Turmoil. I mean come on, one of the best late 90's hardcore bands back together and no one cares. There was barely any action on the floor at all and it was a bit depressing. Turmoil didn't let it phase them though, they sounded awesome.
After Turmoil finished I moved to the side of the stage, where I found a chair to stand on. I had a pretty good spot, despite the monitor being in front of me. I wasn't staying on the floor for Madball - pits aren't fun for me anymore, they fucking hurt now. As expected a few minutes after Turmoil the flood gates opened and CB's filled with NY's hardest. One thing about Madball shows is that these are real fucking hardcore cats, not suburbanites with backwards hats. The crowd at a Madball show in NYC is a bit frightening and they fucking go apeshit.
I can't even remember what song they opened with but the floor exploded instantly. People jumping off of speakers, flipping into the crowd - the way a hardcore show should be. The thing is these weren't kids, these were old crusty punks/thugs cracking some skulls. It looked pretty brutal from my perch.
Madball NEVER puts on a bad show. I've seen them more times then I can count and they always destroy. There is a reason that they are considered the best NYC hardcore band (props to SOIA) and it's not their albums. Madball, like always, was on point - hell it's CBGBs, where it all started, of course they were on point.
Some of the notable moments of the show was when Toby from H2O joined the boys for a song. Hoya (bass) and Freddy (vocals) switched it up for that song. So Hoya and Toby were on vocal duty with Freddy playing bass. At another point in the set Freddy announced that Hoya was getting married (aww). Everyone gave him a big congratulations and then the show went on. They played quite a few songs, the best being "Pride" and "Down By Law". Those aren't my favorites they were just the best of the set.
I always love seeing Madball, especially in NYC. You know why? Because Madball are the kings of New York. You missed a great fucking show kids, don't slack next time they're around. Which won't be at CBGB's, this was officially they're last gig at CB's which just fucking sucks.

Denny Blaze Update
Denny Blaze on ABC Affiliate WEWS in Cleveland
Denny Blaze - Hey Bone Lady (The Making Of)
Average Homeboy Returns - A Doogtoons Music Video
Tropical Getaway - Denny Blazin Hazen
1,000+ Visitors Today!
Division Day "Hurricane" Video
"The video was shot... using a camera and film yoinked
from the set of the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel."
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Forward Russia @ Mercury Lounge
During the show at some point it dawned on me what they sound like, Blood Brothers covering Bloc Party with the singer of Bloc Party sharing vocal duties. I really don't think you can beat that comparison because these guys are exactly what that would sound like. And they know how to put on a show too - very energetic.
The songs are good too but there is a problem with them as a whole, they all sound the same. Now if all of your songs are going to sound the same then they picked a good one song to put on repeat but they could use some variety. The only song that stood out to me was the one with the drummer chick counting, that was an outstanding tune.
I think you should go see these guys if you have a chance but they aren't a "must see" at this point. They do have the potential to get there but that will take some time.

Easy Money, Sell Your Friends.
From: Jessica
Date: Jun 14, 2006 7:55 PM
Body: If you have over 20,000 myspace friends in your account and would like to sell it, please contact me
I'm offering top dollar for these accounts. So, if you or someone you know wants to sell, then I'm looking to buy. ;-)
email me at:
Ain't that some shit? Now all I need is Adder Robot and a few gmail accounts and I'll be able to make a quick buck. I wonder what they pay? I'll drop them a line and find out, I'll let you know what happens.
** Update: I contacted these people via email and I got a reply back. They wouldn't tell me straight up how much they would pay for a profile. Instead they wanted to see my profile and how many friends I had before they talked business. The problem is I don't have enough friends - so if anyone out there has 20K+ friends and is willing to play along let me know.
Thanks to Waxy and Boing Boing for linking to this!
If this is your first time at BSC please look around, it's possible there's more then one good post here.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Make Those Hipsters Dance (Gogol Bordello Show)
The show itself was almost exactly the same as the Warsaw gig - jumping in the crowd, drum surfing, etc. It would have been nice to see a new stage show but seeing Gogol do the same thing is better then seeing something new by most other bands.
This show was not the Warsaw gig - that was a once in a lifetime show. It was really fucking good though and once again everyone was dancing. If you still haven't seen Gogol then get your ass in gear and go see them. Seriously, quit fucking around - there's no excuse.

The Gap Van Featuring Lindsay Lohan, Misshapes, & Perez
A few coworkers went down there around 5PM and Lindsay was just starting her set. They came back and started making fun of her DJ skills. On my way home I cruised by to see what all the fuss was about and I managed to catch about 1 minute of the Lohan set. Then she ran off with a couple of security guards - which was funny because there was only about 30 people there. Oh and not to get all gossipy but that broad is really fucking skinny.
My conclusion - the Gap wasted a shit load of money on a really fucking stupid idea.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Fuckin' Thieves
Here's what really gets me - that was my shitty ball. It had tears in it and no grip, the reason I bring that thing to the park is so I don't have to worry about it. If it was a new ball then I could understand someone stealing it, in fact I would have deserved it. This was just sickness from a sick bastard - if you're going to be a dirty thief at least steal nice shit.
Now I have to bring the nice ball to the court and that's when I really have to worry. This is why I hate human beings.
Monday, June 12, 2006
The Minibosses - Live Nintendo Music
The Minibosses
Super Mario 2
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden (live)
Contra (live)
Wizards & Warriors (live)
The Strokes + Eddie Vedder + Josh Homme = Gaye.
A Wedding In New Jersey
I know what you're saying - "2:30, that's fucking early you pussy!". Normally I would agree but normally I don't have to be at a wedding in another state by noon. So we end up taking a 2 hour nap and are awoken by the alarm at 4:30AM. We get ready and head over to the Port Authority to catch the 6 o'clock Greyhound to Philly.
Normally I take the Chinatown bus when I got to Philly because it's like $12 cheaper, but there are no 6AM Chinatown busses, so I had to cough up the bucks for Greyhound. In fact this was my first Greyhound to Philly ever. The funny thing is, people always give me shit for taking the China Express - they try to make me out to be a cheapskate. Well let me tell you something, they are absolutely wrong.
That fucking expensive Greyhound was the grossest piece of shit I've ever been on - and that includes the band van. The seats were ripped and covered in graffiti and the bus smelled like rancid asparagus piss. Now, the Chinatown bus smells like piss too but only right near the pisser - not the whole fucking bus. It smelled like someone hosed that fucker down with a piss canon. Fuck Greyhound in it's ass.
So after a horrible journey through Jersey we end up in Philly. From there we grabbed a cab over to National rent-a-car. This was my first time renting a car and I have to say it's not such a bad thing. It was a bit pricey but not horrible - it ended up costing about $80 for two days. We get in our midsize Impala and cruise to South Jersey. We get to my parents house and start getting ready for the wedding.
Going on 2 hours of sleep we take our pretty asses and get back in the car. The final stage of travel was about to take place - a 30 minute drive to some marina outside of AC. We got there about 5 minutes late, which isn't too bad all considering. I say my hello's and catch up with some friends.
The ceremony was held next to the inn, it was supposed to be by the water but the winds were too strong. The new location for the ceremony was right next to the highway and I didn't hear a single word spoken during the whole thing. Then came the reception and all that jazz.
I was so fucking tired by the end I could barely keep my eyes open. The drive back was fairly dangerous since I kept dozing off. Good thing my girl was passed out or she might have been a bit concerned. Anyway, we got back to the parents dwelling around 5PM or so and went straight to bed.
Up until we left at 5PM the next day we really did damn near nothing. Despite not going anywhere near a jet we were completely jet-lagged. It's good to be back in NYC, that's all I can say. Oh, we took the Chinatown bus back.
Be A South Park Character
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Olga's Pick
Matt's gone and I am stuck in the shitty this weekend, but that's OK because there is a ton of good stuff going on today.
You can start the night off and Lulu's where you can eat and fill up on as much booze as you want.
Ill Out Your Grill
@ Lulu's Lounge
Corner of Greenpoint Ave and Franklin St
Free but Must RSVP or come out with printout
Open Bar Brooklyn Lager 9-10 and Open Bar Skyy Vodka 12:30-1:30. Plus, free Grilled Po'Boy Sandwiches until 12 and giveaways all night long.

Or you can go to the VICE magazine photo exhibit opening.
The 6th Annual Vice Magazine Photo Issue Exhibition
@ Silverstein Photography
535 West 24th St
RSVP for guaranteed admission

Have fun,
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Government
Link: Social Network Mining
Big Brother hates gays less then you think
Link: Gay Marriage Bill
Gogol Bordello At Irving Plaza Tonight